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Atlas Villas Memory Care — Centerville, MN <br />Atlas Villas Memory Care is a 16-room residential care facility that caters to residents with memory <br />issues such as dementia and Alzheimer's. Those that struggle with memory issues typically require a <br />higher level of care than a standard assisted living facility. Residents would not have the capability to <br />drive and would only leave the facility for supervised day trips or doctor's visits. <br />Atlas Villas will provide a safe and secure home for the residents and will be equipped with a secured <br />entry and alarms at all doors and windows to silently alert staff when opened. Residents will have access <br />to a concrete encased room in the event of a storm that will also double as a movie theater, and <br />meeting room. The majority of the time the room will be used as a virtual room. The room will contain <br />large screen tv's and scenery that will offer residents visual, audio, smell, and touch sensory exposure <br />for a variety of different locations. The scenes will change on a weekly basis. <br />For example, we will have video of a beach scene with beach sounds, sand, coconuts, and other props <br />along with the scent of a Caribbean island. <br />Often people suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's will experience alterations in their sleep cycles. It <br />is our goal to alleviate these symptoms. We have designed an environment that consists of a faux sky on <br />the ceiling that will mimic sunrise and sunset through the use of lighting and sounds. On -site staff will <br />provide assistance in the preparation and serving of meals and will assist with bedtime routines as part <br />of encouraging a proper sleep cycle. <br />We also wish to create a sense of community throughout the facility. One of the ways in which this will <br />be achieved is by giving each room an individual exterior look by using vinyl siding, exterior doors, and <br />porches. <br />Our staff will consist of two people on -site during the day and one overnight. We do not anticipate much <br />traffic at the site. There will be weekly food deliveries as well as visits from family members. Trash <br />service will be picked up biweekly. <br />