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Atlas Villas Memory Care Policies and Procedures <br />SECTION <br />POLICY <br />EFFECTIVE/REVISED <br />1. General Policies <br />1.19 Emergency/ 911 <br />DATE: 10/30/2019 <br />POLICY: To direct staff in the handling of emergencies and calling 911. <br />Examples of client events or circumstances which warrant notification of 911 include: <br />• Has trouble breathing or has stopped breathing <br />• Has no pulse <br />• Is bleeding severely <br />• Is having —chest, neck, jaw, arm pain <br />• Is in the state of deteriorating unconsciousness or is unconscious <br />• If a fracture is suspected <br />• If the person has been badly burned <br />• If unable to move one or more limbs <br />• Is having a seizure <br />• Is suffering from: 1) hypothermia -below normal body temperature, 2) <br />hyperthermia-well above normal body temperature <br />• Has been poisoned <br />• Is having a diabetic emergency <br />• Has suffered a stroke <br />• Choking <br />If there is any doubt regarding the seriousness of the condition, call 911. <br />PROCEDURE: How to use 911 <br />1. Dial 911 from the nearest phone <br />2. Stay calm and give the 911 dispatcher the following information: <br />1) State this is a medical emergency <br />2) Give your name <br />3) Give the address <br />4) Give the name of the client <br />5) Describe the problem and how it happened, if known, otherwise just tell <br />the facts and what has been observed. <br />6) Follow directions of 911 dispatcher <br />7) Hang up when the dispatcher says you can <br />3. Following a 911 call, staff will wait for the 911 responder to arrive: <br />• Have client information sheet available for medical responder <br />• Provide a copy of the clients health care directives, if available <br />4. After the client is safely on the way with the emergency crew: <br />• Fill out incident report (according to incident report procedure) <br />• Call the clients' family to give them an update <br />• Call the Home Care contact to give them an update <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />