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Centerville 2040 Comprehensive Plan <br /> <br /> <br />C HAPTER 10: I MPLEMENTATION <br />I MPLEMENTATION <br />The implementation of the Comprehensive Plan does not end with adoption. The City's official <br />controls, the zoning ordinance and subdivision regulations, will ensure day to day monitoring <br />and enforcement of the policy plan. The regulatory provisions of both ordinances, as revised, <br />will provide a means of managing development in the City in a manner consistent with the <br />Comprehensive Plan. The City's Capital Improvements Program will enable needed <br />improvements identified in the plan to be programmed and implemented in a timely and cost- <br />effective manner. <br />O FFICIAL C ONTROLS <br />As part of the planning process, the City will evaluate its land use controls and consider <br />amendments to existing ordinances which eliminate inconsistencies with the Comprehensive <br />Plan, enhance performance standards, protect public and private investments, conform to <br />mandatory State and Federal regulations and make it an understandable document. <br />The plan identifies a number of specific changes to the zoning ordinance and subdivision <br />regulations which need to be considered by the City which are outlined in Table 42. <br />P LAN A MENDMENT P ROCESS <br />The Comprehensive Plan is intended to be general and flexible; however, formal amendments <br />to the Plan will be required when land use elements, development staging or growth policies <br />are revised. Periodically, the City should undertake a formal review of the plan to determine if <br />amendments are needed to address changing factors or events in the community. While a plan <br />amendment can be initiated at any time, the City should carefully consider the implications of <br />the proposed changes before their adoption. <br />When considering amendments to this plan, the City will use the following procedure: <br />1.Amendments may be initiated by land owners, land developers, the Planning and <br />Zoning Commission or the City Council. <br />2.The Planning and Zoning Commission will direct the City staff to prepare a thorough <br />analysis of the proposed amendment. <br />3.The City staff will present to the Planning and Zoning Commission a report analyzing <br />the proposed changes, including their findings and recommendations regarding the <br />proposed plan amendment. <br /> <br /> Page 99 <br /> <br /> <br />