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Centerville 2040 Comprehensive Plan <br /> <br /> <br />as existing and future community neighborhoods and implement the plan as <br />funding opportunities allow. <br />Design and maintain parks with proper lighting, shelter and landscaping to ensure <br />public and property safety, with sustainable practices which protect environmental <br />resources for future generations. <br />Develop land use regulations compatible with adjacent parks, recreation areas <br />and natural features. <br />Require dedication of net developable parkland or cash in lieu of land in <br />conjunction with the subdivision or re-development of all properties. <br />Encourage and accept land gifts and forfeitures in areas with potential <br />recreational development opportunities or to provide open green-space. <br />Coordinate regional trail development potential with Anoka County and adjacent <br />communities. <br />N ATURAL R ESOURCES G OALS AND P OLICIES <br />It is the goal of the City of Centerville to: <br />Coordinate with partner organizations to protect Centerville Lake, Peltier Lake, <br />and Clearwater Creek for future generations to enjoy. <br />Promote and implement sustainable practices through education, by example <br />and use of eco-friendly products on public lands. <br />Protect environmental systems from unnecessary impacts of future growth and <br />development activities. <br />Protect the surface waters, ground waters and wetland areas of the City to <br />promote aesthetic qualities, natural habitat areas, ground water recharge and <br />recreation opportunities. <br />Protect ground water purity by preventing erosion and improper discharge of <br />sedimentation into our local lakes and streams. <br />Maintain the valuable open space of the community. <br />Connect the various neighborhoods of the city with trails and sidewalks. <br />It is the policy of the City of Centerville to: <br />Carefully manage any development affecting floodplains, steep slopes, wetlands, <br />and other environmentally sensitive areas. <br />Coordinate with the Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) and their administration <br />and enforcement of the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) as the Local Governing <br />Unit (LGU) for the City of Centerville. <br /> Page 27 <br /> <br /> <br />