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Q39 Between January 1, 2019, and December 31, 2019, did you modify your BMPs, measurable goals, <br />or future plans for your illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE) program? <br />If "Yes," describe those modifications: <br />MCM 4: Construction site stormwater runoff control <br />The following questions refer to Part III.D.4. of the Permit. <br />Q40 Do you have a regulatory mechanism that is at least as stringent as the Agency's general permit to <br />Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity (CSW Permit) No. MN R100001 <br />( for erosion and sediment <br />controls and waste controls? [Part III.D.4.a.] <br />Q41 Have you developed written procedures for site plan reviews as required by the Permit? [Part <br />I I I. D.4. b.] <br />Q42 Have you documented each site plan review as required by the Permit? [Part III.D.4.f.] <br />Q43 Enter the number of site plan reviews conducted for sites an acre or greater between January 1, <br />2019. and December 31, 2019: <br />Q44 What types of enforcement actions do you have available to compel compliance with your <br />regulatory mechanism? Check all that apply and enter the number of each used from January 1, <br />2019. to December 31. 2019. <br />No <br />Yes <br />Yes <br />Yes <br />2 <br />Q44 Options <br />Q44 — your answers <br />Q44:1 Verbal warning <br />Q44:2 Notice of violation <br />Notice of violation <br />0 <br />Q44:3 Administrative order <br />Q44:4 Stop -work order <br />Q44:5 Fine <br />Q44:6 Forfeit of security bond money <br />Q44:7 Withholding of certificate of occupancy <br />Q44:8 Criminal action <br />Q44:9 Civil penalty <br />Q44:10 Other <br />If "Other," describe: <br />Q45 Do you have written Enforcement Response Procedures (ERPs) to compel compliance with your <br />construction site stormwater runoff control regulatory mechanism(s)? <br />Q46 Enter the number of active construction sites an acre or greater that were in your jurisdiction <br />between January 1, 2019, and December 31, 2019: <br />Q47 Do you have written procedures for identifying priority sites for inspections? [Part III.D.4.d.(1)] <br />Q48 <br />If'Yes' in Q47, how are sites prioritized for inspections? <br />Q48 Options <br />Q48 — your answers <br />Q48:1 Site topography <br />Site topography <br />Q48:2 Soil characteristics <br />Soil characteristics <br />Q48:3 Type of receiving waters <br />Types of receiving water(s) <br />Q48:4 Stage of construction <br />Stage of construction <br />Q48:5 Compliance history <br />Q48:6 Weather conditions <br />Q48:7 Citizen complaints <br />Citizen complaints <br />Q48:8 Project size <br />Q48:9 Other <br />If "Other," describe: <br />Q49 Do you have a checklist or other written means to document site inspections when determining <br />compliance? [Part III.D.4.d.(4)] <br />Yes <br />2 <br />Yes <br />Yes <br /> 651-296-6300 800-657-3864 Use your preferred relay service Available in alternative formats <br />wq-strm4-06 • 213120 Page 5 of 9 <br />