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Original Contract Amount <br />Previous Change Orders <br />This Change Order <br />Revised Contract Amount (including this change order) <br />CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES <br />Original Contract Times: <br />Substantial Completion (days or date): <br />Ready for final Payment (days or date): <br />Increase of this Change Order: <br />Substantial Completion (days or date): <br />Ready for final Payment (days or date): <br />Contract Time with all approved Change Orders: <br />Substantial Completion (days or date): <br />Ready for final Payment (days or date): <br />Recommended for Approval by: <br />STANTEC <br />11 il-P e� � . s z <br />Approved by Contractor: <br />A-1 EXCAVATING INC. <br />Date <br />cc: Owner <br />Contractor <br />Bonding Company <br />Stantec <br />Date: 7-1-2020 <br />Approved by Owner: <br />CITY OF CENTERVILLE, MN <br />Date <br />$1,982,594.00 <br />$80, 735.68 <br />$2,063,329.68 <br />193804758CHOI.xlsm <br />