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<br />FROM :MCLARCHITECS-INC <br /> <br />FAX NO. :651-222-5414 <br /> <br />Sep. 06 2005 03:00PM P6 <br /> <br />. .~., <br /> <br />.J9L.29'2005 15:28 <br />'Pmnl.t Application No;-~.O J~ <br /> <br />#2022 P.006/006 <br /> <br />St. Gen.etieve Catholic Clt~h <br /> <br />District infiltrati.on req,ufrement. However, the infiltration standard <br />has Dot been eddr.essed, for the currently proposed impervious areas <br />in the southern portio,n of the site. Therefore, additional. biot11trati.on <br />BMP.s are required to $!tisfy the District's infiltration st.anda.rd.. <br /> <br />3. The District Permit Coor.di.n&t.or has field.,ed that there are no <br />jurisdioti.cmaJ wetlands oosite. <br /> <br />4. 'There is DO RCWD resuJatory IOO-year flood elevation established <br />for thi.s site. Both the proposed and existing low floor elevation$ <br />(buildings are slab-an-grade) satisfy District freeboard reqw,rem,ent.s <br />over the proposed pond HWL (901..25) and. the BOF (901.3). <br /> <br />S. An acceptable erosl,ori and sediment control plan hag been 8ubmittClld, <br />including a rock: construction cn.tra.n.oe. ailt fence down.Weam of <br />disturbed, 8X'e1l5. fU'Ound tbe pond NWL, at storm.sewer outfalls and. as <br />check clams, revegetation specifications and an imple:m,onta,tion. <br />schedule. <br /> <br />6. The submitted and flowage easement document refers to <br />IAttachmcnt A~ for th.e legal d.escri.ption of the casements. Thi.s <br />8,ttac1unen,t is rr:q'IJired for review by tbe Distriot Engm.eer. <br /> <br />Please note that the stonnwater msmag~ent plan has n.ot been <br />approved by RCWD llD.d it is recommended that flll .StonnwlI.ter <br />Managem.ent' pending items be addressed prior to finalizing the <br />pondius and flowage casem.ent document. <br /> <br />7. The submitted. dechu:ati,on for mainten8tl.ce of .tcnnWQ,ter. facilities <br />lists covered facilities as 'Retention Pond~ and. 'Biofiltrati,on Basin., <br />which is consistent with tJle latest grading plan. However, these <br />features IIR to be d.elin.eated and labeled on 'Attac1unent B', whioh. <br />was not included with th.e Bubmittal. This attacbm.erJ.t i.s requ,ired for <br />review by the District Engmeer. <br /> <br />Please ttote that 131.0 stDrrrJ.water m,anagemcnt pllW has not been <br />approved.. by RCWD and it is recom.mended that 811 ~Stormwater <br />MBJ)a.g6ml.'nf pend,~ .items ,be addretlsed prior to finalizing the <br />declaration mr mainteo.n.ce of gtormwater fllciJiti.e$. <br /> <br />Boaro Action.: <br /> <br />ammon! &. Olivier Resources, loco <br /> <br />-,. <br /> <br />7/291O~ <br /> <br />5L <br />