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Res. #20-022 - Accepting Cares Act Grant Funding
City Council
Res. #20-022 - Accepting Cares Act Grant Funding
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8/28/2020 11:09:18 AM
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8/28/2020 10:59:59 AM
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this agreement. <br />IMAV <br />2.2 Award and Matching Funds. Grantee is hereby awarded $272,782.08. Grantee must match the <br />funds expended from this grant with local funds equivalent to 20% of the grant, or 25% of the <br />funds expended on electronic roster systems. <br />23 Expenditures. Grantee will expend the, fimd.s only for the federal and state purposes and as <br />described in the Grant Application submitted by Grantee, which is incorporated into this <br />Agreement, except as set forth in paragraph 2.4 of this Agreement. <br />Grantee will expend funds granted by this Agreement as well as the required match, on <br />preparations for and the necessary events connected with the primary election to be held August <br />1 1, 2020 and the general election to be held November 3, 2020, at which federal offices are on <br />the ballot, no later than November 16, 2020, and will return all unspent grant funds to the State by <br />December 31, 2020. <br />2.4 Municipalities. Grantee must work with municipalities within Grantee's jurisdiction to determine <br />a fair, equitable, and mutually agreeable method for allocating grant funds within Grantee's <br />jurisdiction and between municipalities. Grantee and municipalities must enter into an agreement <br />stating the allocation and that the municipality is subject to the same terms as Grantee with <br />respect to these funds. If no agreement is reached by September 8, 2020, Grantee must allocate <br />and distribute the funds based on the default allocation contained in Section G of the Grant <br />Agreement in Exhibit A. if the default allocation is used, the governing body of both Grantee and <br />each municipality receiving funds must approve a resolution setting forth the allocation, and that <br />by accepting the funds, the municipality is subject to the terms set forth in paragraphs 1 through <br />5; 7 through 1 l; and I3 through 16 of this Agreement as if it were the Grantee. <br />Grantee must report the allocation to municipalities within Grantee's jurisdiction to State by <br />September 15, 2020. At the time of that report, Grantee must also certify that they have written <br />agreements with municipalities regarding the allocation and terms, or that the County has utilized <br />the default allocation. <br />2.5 Reporting Requirements. Grantee shall report to the State as specified in this Agreement. <br />2.53 Progress Reporting. Grantee shall submit, by November 16, 2020, a financial <br />reporting form to the State utilizing the format identified by the State, stating the <br />amount spent from this grant in calendar year 2020 for authorized expenses or <br />electronic roster systems, a description of each expense or purchase, and how much of <br />the grant award is unexpended and is being returned, if any, and the total of the <br />proportionate match required by Minnesota Laws 2020, Chapter 77, section 4. <br />2.5.2 Other Requirements. Grantee must maintain financial records for each grant <br />sufficient to satisfy audit standards or other reporting requirements and must transmit <br />those records to the secretary of state upon request of the secretary of state. <br />2.5.3 Evaluation. State shall have the authority, during the course of this grant period, to <br />conduct an evaluation of the performance of Grantee. <br />2.5.4 Requirement Changes. State may modify or change all reporting forms at their <br />discretion during the grant period. <br />
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