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Res. #20-022 - Accepting Cares Act Grant Funding
City Council
Res. #20-022 - Accepting Cares Act Grant Funding
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2.5.5 Special Requirements. The State reserves the right to append to the Agreement terms, <br />at any time before all grant funds have been expended, special administrative <br />requirements deemed necessary to assure Grantee's successful implementation of the <br />program. The State will notify the Grantee in writing of any special administrative <br />requirements. <br />2.6 Accounting Requirements - Fiscal Control and Accounting Procedures. <br />Grantee's fiscal control and accounting procedures must be sufficient to: <br />(a) Permit preparation of reports required by this Agreement, <br />(b) Permit the tracing of funds to a level of expenditures adequate to determine that funds <br />have not been used in violation of this agreement, and <br />(c) Support accounting records through source documents, such as. cancelled checks, <br />invoices and paid bills, agreement and sub award documents, and .records sufficient to detail <br />history of procurements. <br />2.7 Alterations in Spending Plan. <br />Any changes in the purposes for which this grant is spent that are still within the federal and <br />state purposes, or adjustments in local allocations, from those set forth in the grant <br />application, must be agreed to by the State. <br />3 Time <br />Grantee must comply with all the time requirements described in this Agreement. In the performance <br />of matters funded pursuant to this Agreement, time is of the essence. <br />4 Consideration and Payment <br />4.1 Consideration. The State will make an award to Grantee under this Agreement as follows: <br />(1) Grant Award. Grantee will be awarded the amount listed in paragraph 2.2 of this Agreement. <br />(2) Total Obligation. The total obligation of State to Grantee under this Agreement will not <br />exceed the amount listed in paragraph 2.2 of this Agreement. <br />4.2 Fiscal Requirements. Grantee shall report to the State as provided by paragraph 2.5 <br />of this Agreement. <br />4.2.1 Financial Guidelines. Grantee's eligible expenditures under this Agreement must be <br />specifically incurred by Grantee or municipalities with an agreement with Grantee. Grantee <br />will report on all expenditures pertaining to this Agreement as provided in paragraph 2.5. <br />4.2.2 Recorde. Grantee must retain all financial records for a minimum of six (6) years after the <br />date of submission of the final financial report, or until completion of an audit which has <br />commenced before the expiration of this six -year period, or until any audit findings and/or <br />recommendations from prior audit(s) have been resolved between the Grantee and State, <br />whichever is later, and comply with all other retention and access requirements for records <br />provided in the jurisdiction's retention schedules. Grantee must cooperate with any audits <br />related to the use of these funds conducted by the United States Election Assistance <br />Commission, Office of the inspector General. In addition, Grantee must maintain records <br />sufficient to report expenditures made during the term of this Agreement upon request of the <br />State, including but not limited to a final report prior to the end of the term of the Agreement <br />4.3 Payment Invoices. State will pay the grant amount to an account of Grantee within 30 days <br />after the effective date of this Agreement. <br />4.4 Conditions. <br />(1) Payments under this Agreement will be made from federal and state match fiends <br />
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