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2020 Downtown Street and Utility Improvements <br />Paving is now complete! The contractor paved the base course of asphalt just before the <br />protect the front edge of the curb from <br />snow plows while we wait to pave the final lift of asphalt next year or perhaps the year <br />after, depending on how the pavement looks upon inspection next spring. <br /> <br />The project has been hyrdo-seeded. This should allow for good turf growth early next <br />spring. Mail service has been switched back to normal delivery at permanent mailboxes. <br /> <br />A credit against all assessments has been issued, since sod was initially planned as part of <br />the project. Watch your mail for a letter outlining the specifics of your credit. <br /> <br />PARKS AND RECREATION <br />Parks and Recreation Committee <br />The Parks and Recreation Committee voted unanimously to recommend the appointment of <br />Emem Akpan to their board, by the City Council. If approved by the City Council, the Parks <br />Committee will have a full roster for the first time in many years. Everyone is very excited <br />about this possibility. <br /> <br />Skate Nights <br />Dates have now been set for our annual Skate Nights: Friday, January 8 and Saturday, <br />February 6, 2021, from 6 to 9 PM. Mark your calendars. <br /> <br />These events include skating, sledding, COVID-friendly refreshments, a bonfire, music, <br />snowshoeing, kick sleds and fat tire bikes. <br /> <br />Adopt a Garden Program <br />on Committee will be forming and adopt a garden program to <br />help maintain flower gardens at city parks. Ifvolunteering, please let us <br />know by emailing <br /> <br />We already have 2 volunteers that have stepped forward! Join the fun and sign up now. <br />Lino Lakes YMCA Reimagining <br />City staff have been attending a series of community engagement meetings designed to <br />reimagine the YMCA in Lino Lakes. This facility has been struggling to maintain its <br />services in an economically stable way, exacerbated by the COVID Crisis. <br />PUBLIC SAFETY <br />Centennial Lakes Police Department <br />Alcohol and Tobacco Sales Checks <br />We are happy to report that all local alcohol and tobacco sale licensees recently passed their <br />compliance checks. The checks are coordinated by our police department, using undercover <br />volunteers who are not of age for the purchase of alcohol or tobacco. The volunteers, this <br />time around were over 18, but under 21 years of age, to ensure compliance with the new <br />Tobacco 21 laws. When our local establishments ask for ID, they pass the test. Thanks to <br />those businesses for running reputable operations that keep our kids safe. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />