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A. In all settings, ensure a minimum of 6 feet of physical <br />distancing between households. <br />B. In indoor settings, occupancy must not exceed 50 percent of <br />the normal occupant capacity as determined by the fire <br />marshal, with a maximum of 250 people in a single self- <br />contained space. <br />C. In outdoor settings, gatherings must not exceed 250 <br />individuals. <br />D. Develop and implement a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan in <br />accordance with applicable guidance available at the Stay Safe <br />Minnesota website ( <br />xvi. Celebrations and receptions. Individuals, venues, and businesses <br />must not host celebrations, receptions, private parties, or other social <br />gatherings, including but not limited to those connected to weddings, <br />funerals, life milestones (such as birthdays or retirements), family <br />reunions, planned religious services, and other similar occasions. <br />b. Outdoor rOutdoor recreational ecreational aactivity. ctivity. ctivity. Individuals Individuals must not must not engage in outdoor engage in outdoor engage in outdoor <br />recreational activities where they will come into close proximity with others recreational activities where they will come into close proximity with others recreational activities where <br /> they will come into close proximity with others <br />from different households. from different households. Individuals may engage in the activities listed <br />below, provided that they follow the Minnesota Department of Natural <br />Resources (“DNR”) and MDH guidelines on outdoor recreation and <br />guidelines for facilities and the public (“Outdoor Recreation Guidelines”), <br />available at DNR’s COVID-19 website ( <br />19.html): <br />i. Individuals may engage in any outdoor activity that is dependent upon <br />or derives its principal benefit from natural surroundings and open <br />space, including but not limited to hunting, fishing, trapping, boating, <br />hiking, biking, golfing, picnicking, skiing, skating, and snowshoeing <br />for the purposes of pleasure, rest, exercise, or relaxation, provided that <br />the activity can be engaged in accordance with the Outdoor Recreation <br />Guidelines, including maintaining at least six feet of separation <br />between participants from different households. Groups within a <br />single household may engage in outdoor activities or sports that do <br />not allow for social distancing (e.g., soccer or basketball) but must not <br />engage in such activities with members of other households. <br />ii. Outdoor recreational activities allowed by this Executive Order do not <br />include performances, competitions, team events, tournaments, races, <br />rallies, organized sports, organized group classes, spectator events, <br />fairs, or any other events that involve the gathering of individuals from <br />8 <br /> <br />