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City of Centerville <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br />August 26, 2020 <br />Council Member Koski stated that on page 5 of page 10, second paragraph should be Mayor <br />at Council Member Montain reported on the Anoka <br />County Fire Protection Council rather than the Centennial Fire District Steering Committee. <br /> <br />Motion by Council Member Koski, seconded by Council Member Montain to Approve the <br />July 8, 2020 Meeting Minute with the Aforementioned Modifications. A roll-call vote was <br />taken. Mayor Love and Council Members Koski, Lakso, Montain, & Wilharber voted in <br />favor. Motion carried. <br />VII. CONSENT AGENDA <br />1. City of Centerville Claims through August 26, 2020 (Check #34173-34189) & (1565- <br />1569E) <br />2. Centennial Lakes Police Department Claims through August 20, 2020 (Check #13132- <br />13367), E2020029-2020032, Payroll Check #13352-13353 & Voided Check #13343 <br />3. Centennial Fire District Claims through August 25, 2020 (Check #8871-8890 & <br />E2020020-E2020021) <br />County/State of Minnesota) <br />7. Parks & Recreation Committee Recommendation to Accept Donation of Memorial <br />Bench in Honor of Deceased Husband John, Ms. Hansen, 6961 Meadow Court <br /> <br />Mayor D. Love provided an opportunity for Council to add or remove any item(s) to/from the <br />consent agenda. <br /> <br />Motion by Council Member Wilharber, seconded by Council Member Lakso to Approve <br />Consent Agenda as Presented. <br />Mayor Love desired for passing Hansen and thanked her for <br />her donation of the Memorial Bench. <br />A roll-call vote was taken. Mayor Love and Council Members Koski, Lakso, Montain, & <br />Wilharber voted in favor. Motion carried. <br />VIII.OLD BUSINESS <br /> <br />1. <br />Driveway Location and Width (Second Reading and Summary) <br />Administrator Statz explained that at the last meeting which was the first reading of this ordinance <br />and now is the second reading. Staff noticed a discrepancy in what was intended on the original <br />ordinance and now has been corrected with this Ordinance. Mayor Love asked if any <br />modifications had been made since the last meeting. City Administrator Statz stated that none <br />were made. Council Member Koski stated that the Planning & Zoning Commission was steadfast <br />Page 4 of 8 <br /> <br />