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City of Centerville <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br />August 26, 2020 <br />with the modifications contained in Ordinance #105 and he thanked them. He also thanked Staff <br />for acknowledging the intent of the original ordinance and correcting the Ordinance. <br />Motion by Council Member Koski, seconded by Council Member Lakso to Approve <br />Location and Width & its Associated Summary. A roll-call vote was taken. Mayor Love <br />and Council Members Koski, Lakso, Montain & Wilharber voted in favor. Motion carried. <br />Mayor Love thanked Council Liaison Koski for <br />ordinances. <br />IX. NEW BUSINESS <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br />Administrator Statz stated that bids were opened out on the front sideway with a very large <br />response of 17 bidders. He stated that the A/V upgrades were not included, five (5) alternates were <br />contained with a small contingency for construction add-ons if needed. He explained that <br />additional review has calculated $187,000 of funds available which is funding in excess of the <br />He felt that the $300,000 of proposed costs could be met. He stated that with the A/V upgrades <br />the total project was estimated at $400,000. He reminded Council that the A/V upgrades were <br />being funded through Franchise Fees which have been set aside for such purchases. He stated that <br />the lowest base bid was $215,000 with $41,600 in alternates. He stated that $60,000 was included <br />in the bid for engineering/architect. Administrator Statz stated that Council may desire to <br />determine if it is appropriate to utilize the $50,000 budgeted for contingencies. <br /> <br />Additional discussion took place regarding carpeting and HVAC as being capital improvement <br />that are contained in the Capital Equipment Fund; funding utilized from the water, sewer, <br />stormwater funds being acceptable for use (11%); CARES Funding and security funding available <br />through a grant ($10,000). <br /> <br />Administrator Statz reviewed the alternates (lobby, history wall, RTU, A/C & Furnace, lighting, <br />parking lot lighting and in floor heating for Administrative Offices and Council Chambers. He <br />explained that some or all of these could be included in the project depending on funding rather <br />than add-ons during the project. Administrator Statz stated that he would recommend alternates <br />1, 2, 4, 6 and 7. Discussions took place regarding HVAC equipment and modification to only <br />replace one (1) heater & A/C unit as it has failed and worked harder than the other. He also stated <br />that the parking lot lighting could be considered in the future when the paving is completed. <br />Administrator Statz stated that low bidder was Crawford-Merz for $256,600 including the <br />aforementioned alternates. <br /> <br />Council Member Lakso stated that she does not feel comfortable in the dark parking lot and <br />believes that it is a safety issue that should be taken care of as soon as possible. Discussion ensued <br />regarding the use of Street Funds for lighting and paving of the parking lot, use of donated lights, <br />glare nuisance, upgrades to the front lobby and tying the area in with Council Chambers, the <br />project, bids, appreciation for previous Council Members for diligence for spending and saving, <br />Page 5 of 8 <br /> <br />