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City of Centerville <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br />August 26, 2020 <br />having the ability to fund the project with cash rather than bonding, parking lot project being <br />contained within the Capital Improvement Project plans and it being scheduled to take place soon, <br />construction timeline for the renovation project, concern for voters and contractor working around <br />the public, concern for placement of parking lot lighting and engineering for same. <br /> <br />Mr. Steve King, 1724 Sorel Street, requested clarification of the OSHA grant funding ($10,000) <br />and CARES funding ($10,000). Administrator Statz stated that the funds slightly overlap for <br />renovations of the front/client window and ADA accessibility along with safety features proposed <br />for Council Chambers. He stated that they would remain separate so that appropriate accounting <br />could be achieved. <br />Lengthy discussion was had regarding the parking lot and lighting, including alternate #5 in the <br />motion so that it was taken care of at this time, possibility of delaying the project due to this action, <br />estimate of $100,000 to complete the parking lot portion of the project, partial plan for installation <br />of the three (3) donated light installation. City Administrator Statz stated that he had received <br />direction from Council with parking lot lighting being a priority. <br /> <br />Motion by Council Member Lakso, seconded by Council Member Wilharber to Approve <br />City Hall Renovation Project and Award Bid to Crawford-Merz the Base Bid with Alternates <br />#1, #2, #4, #6 and #7 ($256,600) as Presented. A roll-call vote was taken. Mayor Love and <br />Council Members Koski, Lakso, Montain & Wilharber voted in favor. Motion carried. <br />X. COUNCIL/ADMINISTRATOR ANNOUNCEMENTS <br />1. <br /> <br />Administrator Statz reported that he has spoken with several developers regarding smaller <br />residential developments and apartments. He stated that a new business in the downtown area <br />(Jiles & Jiles) has received a license from Anoka County (food) and they hope to open shortly. He <br />stated that Centerville is a good location and businesses are succeeding. <br /> <br />Council Reports <br /> <br />a. Council Member Lakso stated that she had no updates but desired to <br />state that she is grateful for the amenities available in Centerville (trails, parks, <br />safety, etc.) <br /> <br />i. No report was given. <br />ii. Centennial Fire Distri No report was given. <br />iii. No report was given. <br /> <br />b. <br /> <br />i. Economic Development Authority <br />stated that the Committee is working with Ms. Michele Koch for the <br />CenterStage Program. He stated that the Committee generally has <br />needed to re-contact businesses to complete the video portion of the <br />Page 6 of 8 <br /> <br />