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2020-09-23 WS & CC Minutes - Approved
City Council
2020-09-23 WS & CC Minutes - Approved
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City of Centerville <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br />September 23, 2020 <br /> <br />covered for a decrease of up to 20%. He stated that if it is more than that, Staff would bring it <br />before Council for addressing the shortfall. <br />Finance Director DeJong stated that the City has strong cash flow, good investments spread out at <br />decent rates, is investing responsibly, has reviewed their Enterprise Funds ensuring that there are <br />sufficient cash levels to fund the City’s operations and ensuring that if funds drop below the <br />targeted level of Fund Balance, there is a plan for raising them back up with modest changes in <br />any additional fees. He commended the Council for putting together a very responsible budget <br />and being very respectful of what is going on by having a Levy increase of less than .9%. <br />Mayor Love stated that the budget is in very good shape due to planning by Staff and Council’s <br />over the years and that he is very proud of that fact. <br />Council Member Koski thanked Finance Director DeJong for the explanation and presentation. <br />He asked whether the City’s investments were guaranteed/variable. Finance Director DeJong <br />stated that they are fixed rate interest investments and that they are generally CD’s from <br />commercial banks which are covered by FDIC limits. He also stated that staff does not invest <br />more than $250,000 in any given CD in case there is a problem with the bank. He stated that the <br />CD’s are spread out over multiple years, coming due at different times, allowing the ability to take <br />advantage of the short-term increases in the market rate(s). He stated that his most recent <br />investment was at .8% interest which is slightly below the 1% interest used in projected <br />calculations. He reported that this is variable as several investments exceed the 1% interest rate. <br />He stated that the City is in good shape. Council Member Koski briefly mentioned an article that <br />he had read in the League of MN Cities, Minnesota Cities Contents (Sept./Oct. 2020) edition, <br />Cities Brace for Financial Impact of COVID-19 and stated that it was very interesting in the <br />environment that we are in and that the City of Centerville is sitting in very good shape. He <br />recommended the article. He also stated that the City has two (2) levies; one (1) for the General <br />Fund and one (1) for Debt Services. He noted that the debt service is what the City is paying for <br />bonds/loans. Finance Director DeJong commented that the debt services is for principle and <br />interest on funds that the City has borrowed. Council Member Koski stated that $378,189 is paid <br />yearly. Council Member Koski desired to inform the public that the City has paid/refinanced these <br />bonds to decrease its outstanding debt over the years and he appreciates Council’s due diligence <br />in decreasing its debt. <br />Council Member Montain stated that through the discussions he was content at where the <br />Preliminary Budget and Levy are at. Council Member Wilharber stated that he echoed Council <br />Member Koski’s comments regarding the City’s debt levels and complimented Staff, previous <br />Council’s and the current Council’s commitment for decreasing these levels and paying cash for <br />projects. He stated that this was much appreciated as a Council Member and as a resident of the <br />City. Mayor Love thanked staff for the memorandum and stated that it is really good for the City <br />to look at the future and its possibilities. He stated that it is good to know that the City is in good <br />shape and knowing that the City will be able to withstand potential difficult times associated with <br />COVID or other issues that may impact the City. Mayor Love desired for the public to know that <br />numerous Work Sessions were held where robust discussions have taken place regarding this item <br />and that is the reasoning for limited discussion this evening. He stated that the “fine tuning” and <br />“line-by-line” discussions took place at that level. <br />Page 5 of 10 <br /> <br /> <br />
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