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Wellhead Protection Plan <br />Part 1 of our Wellhead Protection Plan has been submitted for comment. Below is a map <br />of our draft Wellhead Protection Area. This boundary has not yet been formally <br />approved, but it should give you an idea of the extent of what it encompasses. <br />Downtown Water Main and Street Reconstruction <br />The Community Development Block Grant application, was submitted to the county. <br />Grant award announcements are to be made in early spring. The grant would help fund <br />the water main portion of the downtown street and water main project. <br /> <br />PUBLIC WORKS/STREETS <br />Flag Pole <br />Public works staff made repairs to the flag pole outside city hall. You may have noticed <br />the flag flying at about ¾-staff for a bit. After the repairs, we can again, proudly display <br />our national symbol of pride. <br />PARKS <br />Committee Vacancy <br />The parks committee still has one open seat. Please talk with friends and neighbors about <br />this opportunity to serve. <br /> <br />Long Range Capital Improvement Plan <br />At the last City Council Meeting, a proposal for helping to finalize the Parks and Trails <br />Master Plan was approved. Work has begun on the final document which will be the <br />foundation for a well justified Park Dedication Fee. <br /> <br />Skating Rinks <br />nd <br />The skating rinks at LaMotte Park were opened on January 2. The up and down <br />weather has made it difficult to get ice to stay on the hockey rink, but with the recent cold <br />spell, we were able to get some good ice established. Rink attendants are staffing the <br />warming house on a regular basis and skate night is scheduled for January 19, 2019. <br /> <br />Themed Playgrounds <br />Staff met with representatives from Themed Concepts, a local contractor and <br />manufacturer of themed playground equipment. They presented an impressive resume of <br />projects which go beyond standard playground equipment while still remaining <br />competitively priced. We will be discussing this concept with the Parks and Rec <br />Committee at an upcoming meeting. <br /> <br /> <br />