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Mark Statz <br />From:D. Love <br />Sent:Friday, April 30, 2021 12:12 PM <br />To:Jessica Kubat <br />Cc:Mark Statz; CV Info <br />Subject: <br />Re: Rebuttal to development opposition <br />ThankyouforsharingyourthoughtswiththecityCouncil.IaminformingourCityAdministratortoallowforthe <br />commentstobecomeapartoftherecord. <br />Ifyouhavefurtherthoughts,pleasefeelfreetowriteorsendthemdirectlytoMarkortheinfoaddressabove. <br />Thankyou: <br />D.Love <br />CityofCentervilleMayor <br />6514027753 <br />OnApr30,2021,at8:06AM,JessicaKubat<>wrote: <br />Caution:Thisemailoriginatedoutsideourorganization;pleaseusecaution. <br />Councilmembersandmayor, <br />IwantedtotakesometimetorebuttalsomecommonthemesandconcernsintheStopCenterville <br />campaign.Thenameitselfreallydefinestheintentionsofthisgroup.StopCentervilleisessentiallytrying <br />todepriveCentervilleofeconomicandgrowthopportunities. <br />When reviewing the comments and signatures from this petition, the vast majority of signatures <br />were not listed in Centerville. <br />There have been comments made that Lennar deserves a voice as they are members of <br />community, spend money in our business, and not to mention Centerville uses Lino Lakes <br />services. There are elements of truth to that. The same can be said about Centerville. We as <br />residents are members of their community, spending in Lino Lakes businesses and paying <br />contracts with City of Lino. However, we were not given a vote or consulted about the Lennar <br />development. This will equally be true when Lino develops the land that abuts Centerville to the <br />west. I understand wanting to be that good neighbor by listening to their concerns and mitigating <br />what can, but we have prioritize Centerville. They are not Centerville constituents, they do not <br />get a vote. It's just how the world works. <br />Whats more troubling is theme that Centerville residents and "those people" are not welcome to <br />drive down their streets, walk on public paths and want to turn 21st into a cul-de-sac to cut off <br />access. These comments have been made on multiple public forums. How is this being a <br />community? <br />1 <br /> <br />