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The people who are opposed, just simply cannot see past their own interests. They have said <br />over and over again, they do not want anything in that spot that is: tall, has a lot of traffic, noise <br />or light. What does that leave? A field. <br />Ialsohearacommontheme"wedon'tneeda4thgasstation".Doesthisnotthensetaprecedencefor <br />thefuture?Whatifthenextproposedlotisapizzaplace,icecream,liquor,bar,ordaycare?Willthey <br />alsobedeniedaccommodationbecausethereis:DQ,WiseGuys,CreativeKids,Kelly's?Whatwouldbe <br />lefttobringin? <br />Weallhaveourpreferenceswherewewanttospendourmoney.Forme,Iwouldlovenewgasand <br />conveniencestore.Idonotusethegasstationsintown.Forothers,asitdownrestaurantbecausethey <br />prefernotbringingkidstoKellysabaratmosphere.There is very little retail or food that wouldn't <br />conflict or be competition to the existing small businesses. <br />FrommyunderstandingbyviewingtheCityofCentervillewebsite,thecityistryingtoactivelysolicit <br />businessopportunitiesandgrowth.BothP&ZandCouncilmeetingselludedthesesmallmodificationsto <br />codes/permitsareveryreasonable,commonrequests.Iftheseitemsarerejectedbythecouncilinorder <br />toinfluencethetypeofbusiness,IworrythatinvestorswouldbehesitanttoworkwithCentervilleinthe <br />future.Thatwewillcomeoffasnotprobusiness.Thisisallbeenverypublicandwouldbeeasytofind <br />whendoingtheirmarketresearch. <br />Iunderstandwantingtobeoptimistic,hopingsomethingbettermightcomealong,butthat'sahugerisk <br />totake.It'snotlikethisisjustbeenputonthemarket.It'sbeenopenforIthink15years?Whatifit's <br />another15yearsbeforesomeoneisinterested?Centervillewillloseoutoftaxincome,jobs,and <br />openinguppopulationexpansion.Nottomentionthelandownersarebeingdeprivedbeingableto <br />capitalizeontheirinvestmentaswell. <br />Iknowconcernswerebroughtuphowtheapartmentwillageovertime.Thatitwilleventuallyberun <br />downandnotluxury.InmymindIthink,isn'tthattrueabouteverybuilding?Buildingsarchitecturally <br />reflectwhatisfashionableofthetimeitwasbuilt.Compareahousebuilt50yearsagoandtoday.The <br />olderhomewillbepercievedasold,outdated,rundown,unsafeetcandthereforeholdlessvalue. <br />That'sjustwhathappenswhenyoubuildastructureovertime.It'snotareasontonotbuildittoday <br />becauseinfutureitwon'tbeinlinewiththepopulardesignsandattitudes. <br />To ellude this apartment will cause overcapacity burden on: traffic, public works, safety, police, <br />noise, lights, fire, schools, lack safe pedestrian walks is just not fair. If you compare 800 <br />SFH/approx 2400 people in Lennar vs 100 units and 200 people in the apartment it's not even <br />close. I have yet to hear of a petition to stop Lino Lakes Lennar development from progressing <br />in their building phases citing these same concerns. It's just disingenuous to single Centerville <br />out in this way. <br /> <br />The double standards are further evident in the promotion of other retail and business vs what is <br />proposed. These restaurants that are so keen to be placed, have exterior lights, loud music, <br />people coming and going. Not to mention most places have an outdoor seating patio and bar. <br />This to them is a desired business. However, the deck bar for apartment will cause too much <br />noise pollution when it's elevated 3 stories, 300+ feet away, and mostly blocked by it's own <br />building. It just doesn't make sense. Would this mean no public eaterys with outside dinning in <br />that zone? <br /> <br />The one thing I am curious about was the mention of the height of the apartment vs the ability <br />with fire ladders. We all want are people to be safe. The size truck needed is it unreasonable <br />far? Is the ladder necessary? I'm thinking thousands residential buildings that are sky scrapers <br />that no trucks could reach those, doesn't seem to be a deterrence for building. It was also <br />2 <br /> <br />