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City of Centerville <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br />February 10, 2021 <br />Income (AMI) for the CDBG grant, they will need to have 2 <br />the remainder would go up from there. <br />A roll-call vote was taken. Mayor Love and Council Members Koski, Lakso, Mosher & King <br />voted in favor. Motion carried. <br />Mayor Love welcomed Centra Homes to the City and noted that he is looking forward to working <br />with them in the future. <br /> <br />st <br />2. Targeted Picketing Ordinance (1 <br /> <br />Administrator Statz noted that the Council had discussed this at a few work sessions. He noted that <br />st <br />this is the 1 Reading of the ordinance and the intent is to have a 2nd reading, so if there is general <br />support today, it will also be on the February 24, 2021 Council Agenda for final approval, adoption, <br />and publication. He gave a brief overview of the background on this proposed ordinance and the <br />desire to keep the language the same as other cities. He explained that the impetus for the <br />ordinance is to prevent picketing that is menacing or problematic for residents or their neighbors. <br />He stated that it would also pr <br />residents not feeling comfortable in their own homes, and being fearful about where they live. He <br />st <br />stated that they feel that this does not prevent people from expressing their 1 Amendment rights <br />in areas that are more public and non-residential in nature within the community. <br /> <br />Attorney Glaser noted that there is a complex background in Constitutional law that supports the <br />language that is included in the ordinance and would echo Administ <br />change the language as it has been presented. He explained that the goal of the City is to allow <br />e police department may not have the ability <br />to control crowds when they get out of hand, which is what was seen recently in Hugo. This <br />ordinance is really meant to address the potential menacing aspect of picketing and protesting in <br />front of an individual home and noted that it closely mirrors State Statute and also noted that <br />Section 1, Subs.3 is the section that is unique to cities. <br /> <br />Mayor Love noted that he wanted to apologize if he had offended anyone during the work session <br />with the fictitious nature of his comment. He explained that he had actually been thinking of his <br /> it to be taken out of context. <br /> <br />Council Member King questioned what would happen if somebody would be walking, standing, <br />marching, but were not yelling or using a megaphone and instead, just talking or just quietly <br />carrying a sign and not being menacing. <br /> <br />Attorney Glaser stated that the Supreme Court asks if the restrictions to limit speech fit in the <br />proper time, place, and manner. He noted that sometimes there is not a bright line test that clearly <br />shows people have crossed the line. He explained that it usually ends up being what is called the <br />totality of circumstances and a judgment call is made based on the facts that are in front of them. <br />He stated that the purpose of this is to say that of the time, place, and manner restrictions, there is <br />something special about a home which is what this ordinance addresses. <br /> <br />Page 6 of 10 <br /> <br />