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City of Centerville <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br />February 10, 2021 <br />There was discussion about the expectation of privacy; content of the signs, even if they are calm <br />and quiet; picketing that has happened in the area; expression of public speech; and times when a <br />permit may be necessary for a demonstration with a large crowd. <br />Council Member King shared the one example he can think of where he has seen picketing was in <br />White Bear and noted that he is afraid that this is instituting an ordinance that unnecessary He <br />stated that he does not support the ordinance. <br /> <br />The Council discussed various scenarios of protesting and picketing in a fashion that is going <br />neighborhood to neighborhood in a way to get people riled up, but is not necessarily targeting one <br />person or residence. <br />Attorney Glaser noted that the above scenario may not be a violation of this ordinance. <br />Council Member Lakso stated that she sees this as a tool in the toolbox that will allow the speech, <br />but takes into account public safety. She stated that, however, she would honor, to some degree, <br />the reason why people want to picket and protest in <br />a bit with this decision. She explained that she likes that there is another layer of protection but is <br />unsure it will help the City and noted that she is sensitive to what was previously discussed. She <br />stated that graphic signs are not threatening, but breaking windows would be. She noted that she <br />hears the points that Council Member King is making, but she is still unsure how she feels and <br />looks forward to hearing from the rest of the Council. <br /> <br />Council Member Koski clarified that this ordinance affects residential areas and not businesses. <br />He stated that freedom of speech is one of the great things about this Country. He stated that he <br />would like to balance freedom of speech with public safety which will be tough. He stated that he <br />would support the resolution the way it is written because it is for residential areas and does not <br /> <br />Mayor Love stated that he believes one of the most important pieces of this for our community is <br />the police department. He stated police department is strong and has a very good <br />culture. He explained that he has had a conversation with the Police Chief about this situation and <br />the Chief shared that he has the goal of leaving every situation better than it was when they got <br />there and also to build relationships in every situation. He stated that there was a situation that <br />e neighbors felt unsafe in their own homes. This <br />ordinance does not stop any one from picketing or protesting but does put a tool in the police <br />can utilize in our community to ensure people do <br />not feel threatened in their own homes. He stated that he is very supportive of this ordinance <br />st <br />because it does not take away 1 Amendment rights but ensures residents feel safe in their homes. <br />The Council discussed the situation in Hugo and existing laws that stop that type of activity <br />because they were blocking the streets and the sidewalks. There was discussion about police <br />training and existing laws for trespassing and blocking traffic. <br /> <br />Council Member King reiterated that he feels that this is an ordinance that is not needed because <br />of the existing laws and feels that it is just responding to the times. He questioned why this <br />resolution was needed if the other laws are already in place. <br />Page 7 of 10 <br /> <br />