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Res. #22-002 - Approving Participation in Opioid Litigation Settlements
City Council
Res. #22-002 - Approving Participation in Opioid Litigation Settlements
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EXHIBIT A <br />List of Opioid Remediation Uses <br />Settlement fund recipients shall choose from among abatement strategies, including but not <br />limited to those listed in this Exhibit. The programs and strategies listed in this Exhibit are not <br />exclusive, and fund recipients shall have flexibility to modify their abatement approach as <br />needed and as new uses are discovered. <br />--- — - ---------------- .................................. <br />............ . .................... PART ONE: <br />A. TREAT OPIOID USE DISORDER OUD <br />Support treatment of Opioid Use Disorder ("OUD") and any co-occurring Substance Use <br />Disorder or Mental Health ("SUDIMIT') conditions through evidence -based or evidence - <br />informed programs 5 or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, those that: 6 <br />1 Expand availability of treatment for OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH <br />conditions, including all forms of Medication for Opioid Use Disorder <br />("MOUD")' approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. <br />2. Support and reimburse evidence -based services that adhere to the American <br />Society of Addiction Medicine ("ASAM) continuum of care for OUD and any co- <br />occurring SUD/N4H conditions. <br />3. Expand telehealth to increase access to treatment for OUD and any co-occurring <br />SUD/MH conditions, including MOUD, as well as counseling, psychiatric <br />support, and other treatment and recovery support services. <br />4. Improve oversight of Opioid Treatment Programs ("OTPs") to assure evidence - <br />based or evidence -informed practices such as adequate methadone dosing and low <br />threshold approaches to treatment. <br />5 Use of the terms "evidence -based," "evidence -informed," or "best practices" shall not limit the <br />ability of recipients to fund innovative services or those built on culturally specific needs. Rather, <br />recipients are encouraged to support culturally appropriate services and programs for persons with <br />OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. <br />6 As used in this Exhibit, words like "expand,'- "fund," "provide" or the like shall not indicate a <br />preference for new or existing programs. <br />' Historically, pharmacological treatment for opioid use disorder was referred to as "Medication - <br />Assisted Treatment" ("MAT"). It has recently been determined that the better term is "Medication <br />for Opioid Use Disorder" ("MOUD"). This Exhibit will use "MOUD" going forward. Use of the <br />term MOUD is not intended to and shall in no way limit abatement programs or strategies now or <br />into the future as new strategies and terminology evolve. <br />
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