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Wellhead Protection Plan <br />We have been notified that our grant application to seal some wells in our Wellhead <br />Protection Area was received and is ready to be funded. A grant agreement has been executed <br />and staff is pursuing quotes to complete the work. <br />PUBLIC SAFETY <br />Centennial Fire District <br />The Fire Steering Committee held its quarterly meeting on January 20t' and approved <br />applications for two grants. The first is a request to FEMA for upwards of $600,000 to fund <br />the purchase of a new engine for the department. The second was a much smaller, but every <br />bit as important of a request to Firehouse Subs for the purchase of 10 — 12 Automatic Electric <br />Defribulators (AEDs) to replace those in the two fire stations, city halls and on the rescue <br />vehicles. All of our communities' AEDs are aging and could use replacement. <br />We're Hiring <br />The district is looking for paid -on -call firefighters. Find out more at <br />Centennial Lakes Police Department <br />Chief Mork and his staff continue to focus on keeping adequately staffed through the pandemic, <br />staggering shifts and making other adjustments to their operations. They have also been busy <br />preparing their annual report, to be presented to the Police Governing Board at an upcoming <br />meeting. <br />