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Hello Mark, <br />We calculated the City's bill impact based upon their 2021 usage. It shows a total bill of $4,937, of which $200 is related <br />to the interim rate increase. These figures are subject to change depending on the natural gas used and natural gas <br />prices. The prices for the natural gas commodity are flowed through to customers, and do fluctuate each month. <br />You are correct the interim rate charges are already set for 2022, and to the extent final rates are higher then interim no <br />back charges will be sought, but if final rates are lower than interim, refunds will be issued. <br />We are still scheduling our public hearings, but as of now it appears likely we will have two in person hearings the week <br />of Feb. 21, and two virtual hearings the following week. <br />Below is a high level schedule of our rate case process as approved at the 1/13 pre -hearing. The Commission will Order <br />by Oct. 3, but there will be compliance filings by the Company due afterwards so any refunds or rate changes from their <br />order will lag by a few months. <br />Direct <br />Rebuttal <br />ProposedMilestone . <br />February 7 <br />-- <br />28 <br />March 7 <br />Surrebuttal <br />March 30 <br />23 <br />Hearing <br />April 6-8 <br />7 <br />Initial Brief <br />April 29 <br />23 <br />Reply Brief and Proposed Findings <br />May 13 <br />14 <br />AU Report <br />July 12 <br />31 <br />Exceptions <br />PUC Order <br />July 27 <br />15 <br />October 3 <br />63 <br />Please let me know if you have any additional questions. <br />Thanks <br />Seth <br />EMW <br />Seth DeMerritt <br />Manager, Rates and Regulatory <br />612.321.4423 w. 1 612.393.6216 c. <br /> <br />0000 <br />From: Mark Statz <> <br />Sent: Monday, January 24, 2022 2:56 PM <br />To: DeMerritt, Seth S<> <br />Subject: [External Email] City of Centerville <br />