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Anoka County Regional Economic Development (ACRED) <br />th <br />Samantha Markman, ACRED Executive Director attended the February 16 EDA meeting and <br />provided an overview of 2021 activities, project inquiries, goals, committees, initiatives, and <br />events. Highlights include the 2021 Up River Real Estate Event and 2021 PGA Tour: 3M Open. <br />Almost half of the project inquiries were from the industrial sector, followed by commercial, <br />assistance, and housing. Organization goals include: Marketing, Readiness, and Regionalism <br />& Alignment. Initiatives include: Regional Broadband Efforts, Marketing at 2022 Events, <br />Regional Business Retention & Expansion Initiative and Community Support. A number of <br />events are in the process of being planned for this year, including: ACRED Business & Banking <br />Summit and ACRED Up River Real Estate Event. The dates have not been confirmed. A <br />number of sponsored events are also being planned Î more information can be found on the <br />ACRED website. <br /> <br />EDA <br />The EDA reviewed their 2021-2022 Strategic Plan at their <br />th <br />February 16 meeting. The Commissioners talked about past <br />accomplishments (success with the CenterStage and Blue <br />Logo programs as well as business engagement). The focus <br />for this year, although not exclusively, will be on developing <br />a plan for downtown and the waterfront, Business Retention <br />and Expansion visits, Community Outreach, Intersection of <br />th <br />20 and Main. The EDA is also weighing their options <br />regarding their involvement with vacant properties. <br /> <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT <br />Block 7 Property (Downtown) Î ÐSorel QuarterÑ <br />Centra Homes will appear in-person at the March 1 Planning and Zoning Commission to <br />review exterior finishes. They will have physical samples to present and updated renderings. <br />As always, the public is welcome to attend this meeting. This will be the last opportunity to <br />give input on the design of the homes. A DeveloperÓs Agreement and draft HomeownerÓs <br />Association Documents will be presented to the Planning Commission and City Council in the <br />coming weeks. <br /> <br />Centerville Elementary School Expansion <br />A few supply chain issues in addition to a sanitary sewer service issue, are producing <br />challenges for the contractor, in meeting their original schedule. An expected completion date <br />is unknown at this time. <br /> <br />stnd <br />Old Mill Estates 1 and 2 Additions <br />The developer has requested a Letter of Credit reduction. A warranty bond for the <br />improvements has now been received by the city, allowing the reduction request to be <br />processed. <br /> <br />The City is in discussion with the homeowner near the cul-de-sac on Old Mill Court, exploring <br />alternative routes for the trail. The city will continue to hold security for the completion of the <br />trail until this process plays out and the trail link is completed. <br /> <br />th <br />Centerville Storage (20Ave. Mini Storage) <br />A few items remain to be completed prior to allowing the facility to be opened, including some <br />fence work. <br /> <br />