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Community Safety <br />Grant Application <br />Centerville <br />Bqqmjdbou!djuz <br />1880 Main Street55038 <br />Djuz!Ibmm!beesftt\[JQ!dpef <br />Matthew MontainBattalion Chief <br />Sfrvftups!obnfUjumf <br />(651) 792-7900 <br />QipofGby <br />Matt.Montain@CentennialFire.Org <br />Fnbjm!beesftt <br />This grant would fund the purchase of MSA Altair Multi-gas Monitors <br />Xibu!frvjqnfou!ps!tqfdjbm!qspkfdu!bsf!zpv!btljoh!vt!up!ifmq!gvoe@ <br />for our first out responding fire apparatus. <br />This grant would be for the purchase of MSA Altair Multi-gas monitors. These monitors <br />Frvjqnfou0tqfdjbm!qspkfdu!eftdsjqujpo!)csjfg* <br />detect and read the levels of potentially dangerous gases on a scene. The monitors read the levels of oxygen, carbon monoxide, <br />sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. They alert and warn the responders of elevated readings as well as help determine area of <br />origin. The monitors are crucial for firefighter safety on calls with potential gas leaks, various odors and on fire scenes. <br />4,250.00 <br />Upubm!frvjqnfou0tqfdjbm!qspkfdu!dptu!!% <br />2,125.00 <br />Bnpvou!pg!gvoejoh!sfrvftu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!% <br />)Nbyjnvn!jt!%3-611/!Gvoejoh!sfrvftu!dboopu!fydffe!61!qfsdfou!pg!upubm!frvjqnfou0qspkfdu!dptu/* <br />This request would assist the fire department in their response to emergency situations <br />Ipx!xjmm!zpvs!sfrvftu!cfofgju!uif!dpnnvojuz@ <br />involving potential gas leaks, odor concerns and on fire scenes. Having the right equipment on a scene with an unknown problem <br />is cruicial for the safety of our commmuinity and neighbors. These monitors will ensure accurate readings on scene to determine <br />problems on scene. <br />Tjhobuvsf!)sfrvjsfe* <br />Tjhobuvsf <br />Benjojtusbups-!nbobhfs!ps!dmfsl!)qsjou!obnf* <br />UjumfEbuf <br />Email application to: Questions? <br />SafetyGrants@CenterPointEnergy.comContact: Beth Brown <br />612-321-4899 <br />DOQ!2415!)2.3133*!Qbhf!3!pg!3 <br /> <br />