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May 25, 2022 <br />Centerville City Council <br />Page 14 of 18 <br />RE: Banjo Distribution Center, PUD, Preliminary & Final Plat <br />right-of-way. The future alignment of Fairview also affects whether this vegetation would <br />be able to be maintained. These two conditions, make including this requirement <br />problematic\] <br />7)Fairview Realignment - Anoka County and the City of Centerville find that the traffic- <br />intense development of this site makes it important to examine the 20th Avenue (CSAH 54 <br />Corridor) through Centerville. The study of this corridor and the implementation of the <br />study’s conclusions will undoubtedly take many years. Given the uncertainty of what the <br />study will conclude with regard to the intersection at Fairview Street and 20th Avenue, and <br />when any improvements here will be constructed, project Banjo may move forward with <br />their site plan as submitted (see revised site plan, allowing the realignment of Fairview). <br />However, the land owner shall cooperate with the City of Centerville and Anoka County at <br />such time that the two agencies may wish to improve the intersection of Fairview and 20th <br />Avenue. If the intersection is improved within the 15 year time limit for the Area-wide <br />Transportation Improvement funds’ usage, the city will construct the realignment and left <br />turn lane with those funds and the property owner will sell the necessary land (up to one <br />acre) to the city for $1. Such property sold from the property owner to the city shall not <br />include property on which improvements have been made by the property owner in <br />accordance with the approved plans. This condition does not preclude the County <br />and/or City from the need to follow standard, legal procedures for property acquisition, <br />special assessments, or other such actions. The city and property owner endeavor to <br />design such improvements, if necessary, with minimal impacts to the operational needs of <br />the site user. <br />8)Snow Removal - Snow removal operation shall utilize the snow storage locations as shown <br />on the submitted plan, Revisions to the plan may be requested by the land owner and <br />approved by the City Engineer. <br />9)Noise Abatement - The applicant will has prepared and shared with the City a noise study <br />analyzing noise from the truck docks, van loading area, or other places on site where noise <br />from facility operations are likely. Mitigation of this noise will be proposed to the satisfaction <br />of City staff such that noise from the facility The study concluded that it will not unduly <br />disturb the expected quietude of residential areas west of the project site. The mitigation <br />measures may include walls, fences, insulation, of other means. Noise from the site will be <br />analyzed after one year of operation at the property owner’s cost and compared to the <br />projected noise levels from the noise study. If the monitoring shows levels to be at or below <br />the model-predicted levels, no mitigation levels will be required. An escrow will be <br />provided in an amount to be agreed to by the City Engineer to further mitigate from the <br />facility should the results of the analysis after one year show that the original mitigation <br />measures are not sufficient. In lieu of the noise monitoring, the applicant may construct a <br />noise wall of a height and design which will eliminate noise increases to less then 1 db (A). <br />10)Fences – The opaque fences around portions of the exterior of the site will be of a durable <br />composite, or high density polyethylene material to be reviewed and approved by the <br /> <br />