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CITY OF CENTERVILLE <br />PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE <br />MEETING MINUTES <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the City of CentervilleÓs Parks & Recreation Committee held a <br />scheduled meeting on April 6, 2022 in the Council Chambers at the Centerville City Hall and was also <br />livestreamed at: <br /> <br />Present: C ommittee Member Heidi Errickson-Grahek <br /> Committee Member Emem Akpan <br /> Committee Member Kathy Freiermuth <br /> Committee Member Jessica Kubat <br /> Committee Member Brian Peterson <br /> Committee Member Suzanne Seeley Not Approved <br /> <br />Also Present: Mr. Mark Statz, City Administrator <br /> Ms. Teresa Bender, City Clerk <br /> Mr. Steve King, City Council Member <br /> <br />Absent: Ms. Michelle Lakso, City Council Liaison <br /> <br />I. CALL TO ORDER <br /> <br /> Committee Chair Errickson-Grahek, called the April 6, 2022 meeting of the Parks and Recreation <br />meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Centerville City Hall. <br /> <br />II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br /> <br />Motion made by Committee Member Kubat, seconded by Committee Member Errickson-Grahek <br />to accept the revised agenda as modified by staff. All in favor. Motion carried. <br /> <br />III. APPEARANCES <br /> <br />Mr. Matt Frevel, 7180 Clear Ridge, appeared before the Committee, via Zoom, to present his concerns <br />regarding the infestation of the Emerald Ash Borer in the City. He also stated that he appeared before <br />the City Council on March 23, 2022. He discussed the ramifications if the City ignores the infestation <br />and is requesting that the City educate it's residents and/or provide treatment programs for saving and/or <br />removal of privately owned trees. He also warned the City about trees located within the CityÓs parks. <br /> <br />He stated that he has completed research and presented his findings from within local parks. An <br />evaluation will need to be completed to determine which trees may be treatable and which should be <br />removed. <br /> <br />IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS Î NONE <br /> <br />V. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> <br />1. 22-001: Music in the Park <br />a. Musicians have been confirmed for all dates except for July 5. The average price paid to <br /> <br />