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City of Centerville <br />Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes <br />April 6, 2022 <br />each band is between $300 to $350. <br /> <br /> b. Budget Î currently $3,000 has been budgeted for this event. $390 has been paid to <br />ASCAP for copyright protection, leaving $2,610 remaining. Committee Member Peterson requested <br />that $500 be designated as an increased payment for one of the bands with 12 members, plus an extra <br />$250 for advertising and/or incidentals. Currently, there is an additional $500 in the Line Item Budget - <br />Reserve that can be used towards these expenses. <br /> <br />Motion made by Committee Member Errickson-Grahek, seconded by Committee Member Kubat <br />to recommend to City Council to approve an increase in the Music in the Park Budget of $240. All <br />in favor. Motion carried. <br /> <br /> c. Food trucks have been scheduled for each Tuesday. <br /> <br />2. 22-007: Comprehensive Tree Plan <br />Committee Member Seeley suggested that along with the Comprehensive Tree Plan for each park, <br />consideration for Emerald Ash Borer should also be looked at the same time. She suggested that perhaps <br />Mr. Frevel would volunteer his services. <br /> <br />Mr. Frevel accepted working with the Committee and City Clerk Bender requested that Mr. Frevel <br />provide the Committee with his background and knowledge of Emerald Ash Borer. Mr. Frevel stated <br />that for the most part he could spot an infected tree but it was difficult without foliage. He stated that he <br />has received a certificate from the DNR regarding Emerald Ash Borer but was not a certified arborist. <br />Chair Errickson-Grahek would work with Mr. Frevel. <br /> <br />Committee Member Seeley evaluated all of the parks in May, 2021 and provided a list of maintenance <br />items in each park. Public Works Director Palzer previously took care of many of the items on the list.. <br /> <br />A suggestion was made to utilize volunteers for removal of trees within parks and staff discouraged this <br />suggestion due to liability issues. <br /> <br />VI. NEW BUSINESS <br /> <br />1. Emerald Ash Borer Program Î Lino Lakes (Example) <br /> The Committee, along with Public Works Director Palzer and Mr. Frevel would work together on <br />identifying infected trees, the ability to treat trees or remove those that were infested too aggressively for <br />saving and present a budget and plan to City Council in the future. A sub-committee was formed with <br />Committee Members Errickson-Grahek, Seeley and Kubat. <br /> <br />Motion by Committee Member Peterson, seconded by Committee Member Seeley to adopt the <br />recommended action for treatment of City owned trees within parks, that are viable to be saved, <br />through a vendor outside of any agreement and/or whether to recommend to Council the inclusion <br />of viable, City owned trees and arranging for a program that can be offered to residents through <br />the RFP process to determine a vendor. The committee wishes to give the PW Department <br />autonomy in identifying and treating trees for EAB, beginning with Hidden Springs. All in favor. <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />2. Park Facility Permit Application <br />Page 2 of 6 <br /> <br />