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City of Centerville <br />Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes <br />April 6, 2022 <br />3. Special Event Permit Application <br />4. Park Facility Permit Application <br /> <br />Motion made by Committee Member Kubat, seconded by Committee Member Peterson, <br />recommends to the City Council the Approval of New Business Items #2, 3 and 4 as presented. All <br />in favor. Motion carried. <br /> <br />5. Earth Day/Park Cleanup/Main Street <br />Earth Day is on April 22, 2022. Activities have been scheduled at Wargo Nature Center by Anoka County. <br />Centerville Park Cleanup Day is scheduled for April 23, 2022 with a rain date of April 30, 2022. Meet <br />at City Hall at 9:00 a.m. to help cleanup any of the parks except Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park as it will <br />have been done on April 16, 2022 by the Centennial Little League. <br /> <br /> a. Adopt A Highway Application <br />Information was provided from Anoka County regarding the program and application to participate. Staff <br />reported that the location would need to be completed on the application and if cleaned two (2) times a <br />year a Blue ÐAdopt a HighwayÑ sign would be installed in honor of the group participating. <br /> <br />Motion by Committee Member Errickson-Grahek, seconded by Committee Member Akpan to <br />table this agenda item for a future meeting. All in favor. Motion carried. <br /> <br /> b. Cleanup Day Volunteer Flyer <br />Staff presented a draft flyer for consideration for Cleanup Day. Consensus of the Committee was that <br />the flyer was acceptable for use. <br /> <br />6. Project Banjo <br />A large commercial development of an online fulfilment center is proposed in the city's industrial zoning <br />district. <br /> a. Parks - The City/P & R has a choice if they want to take a land donation of up to 10% of <br />the land for a park which would be about 4 acres or a monetary contribution of approximately $87,000. <br /> b. Trails Î There was discussion whether there are segments of trails that should be built <br />through or adjacent to the plat. Any trails constructed would be at no cost to the city and would not <br />reduce the amount of Park Dedication fees paid. <br /> c. PUD Î There was discussion regarding additional offsite improvements that may make <br />sense for this development to complete or whether additional cash payments to the Park Dedication Fund <br />would be acceptable. <br /> <br />Motion made by Committee Member Errickson-Grahek, seconded by Committee Member <br />Freiermuth to recommend to the City Council to #1. decline a land dedication with the Banjo <br />Project and, instead, accept the Park Dedication Fees as outlined on the city's fee schedule; #2. the <br />th <br />city should require the construction of the Fairview Street east-west connection between 20 <br />st <br />Avenue and 21 Avenue; #3. as part of the PUD negotiations, the city should accept additional <br />Park Dedication funds as a public benefit. All in favor. Motion carried. <br /> <br />7. Role of P & R Committee with Main Street Market Event <br />There was brief discussion regarding the CommitteeÓs role, volunteering, etc. associated with the event <br />and whether it should be a collaboration with the EDA or the CommitteeÓs event. Staff will evaluate how <br />best to promote this event. <br />Page 3 of 6 <br /> <br />