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Project Budget Explanaon (15 points; 2,200 character maximum including spaces) <br />Provide detailed remarks to clarify the budget request. Provide an explanaon of how you are funding porons of your <br />project that are not eligible with grant dollars. A successful budget will provide speci ŋ c dollar amounts for ancipated <br />use, will be ŋ nancially realisc, and cost eecve. Budget aachment will be correctly calculated. Projects that plant <br />more trees than they remove will be provided addional points. <br />Project Impacts on Priority Populaons (20 points; 2,200 character maximum including spaces) <br />This grant opportunity aligns with state iniaves to reduce disparies in health and environmental quality for diverse <br />populaons. A successful proposal will serve and include areas of concern for environmental jusce (communies with <br />higher populaons of low-income residents and/or people of color, including tribal communies); the applicant will <br />describe aconable items for those communies, and how those communies will be engaged through the project. <br />Page 3 of 4 <br /> <br />