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Ordinance XX 12-22-2021 <br />(B)Prohibited Areas of Outside Storage. <br />a.between the street and the street-facing plane of a structure except on the <br />permitted driveway surface. <br />b.within two (2) feet of a side lot line. <br />c.On a permitted driveway within ten (10) feet of the back of curb or edge of <br />pavement on a public street, from blocking a sidewalk or trail, or from creating a <br />public nuisance. <br />(C)Single Family Properties In All Zoning Districts. All products, materials and equipment, <br />except as specifically provided in this chapter, shall be stored within permitted <br />structures on single family properties in all zoning districts, except for the following: <br />(1)Permitted Items of Outside Storage. <br />(a)Agricultural products, equipment and appurtenances owned by <br />the owner of the property and used on the property on which they <br />are kept. <br />(b)Clotheslines, antennae, air conditioners, outdoor grills, play <br />equipment, ornaments, and monuments. <br />(c)Lakeshore properties can store the following items of personal <br />property within 50 feet of the shoreline during the months from <br />September to May: docks, boatlifts, swim rafts, slides, and other <br />swimming equipment. <br />(d)Any number of passenger vehicles in a lawful and operable <br />condition, displaying valid registration, when parked on the <br />permitted driveway area. <br />(e)A maximum of three units of other vehicles and equipment in <br />areas as detailed in Section 156.165 (A, B), but only one of these <br />units may be “large” as defined herein. All vehicles, and <br />equipment must be parked at least ten (10) feet from the curb or <br />edge of pavement of a public street. <br />(f)Permitted vehicles and equipment stored on residential lots. The <br />permitted vehicles and equipment allowed to be stored outside of <br />a structure on residential lots consist of three categories and two <br />sizes: <br />i.“Passenger vehicles.” Passenger vehicles such as cars, <br />trucks, and vans, as defined in Minnesota Statutes <br />DRAFT Page 3of4 <br /> <br />