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2022-07-19 P & Z Packet
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2022-07-19 P & Z Packet
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7/18/2022 7:09:36 AM
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Ordinance XX 12-22-2021 <br />supplies commonly used by building, excavation, roadway construction and similar contractors are <br />stored or serviced. The CONTRACTOR’S YARD includes both areas of outside storage and areas <br />confined within a completely enclosed building used in conjunction with a contractor’s business. <br />§ 156.040 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (I-1). <br />(M)Storage. For the purpose of this zoning district, car, vans and pickup trucks parked outside and used <br />by employees and/or visitors in the normal course of the business operation will not be construed to <br />be outside storage. Further, outside parked trucks and semi-trailers used in the normal business <br />commerce will not be construed to be outside storage: <br />(1)Provided that the total number of trucks and semi-trailers does not exceed the number of <br />docks and/or bay doors; and <br />(2)This use is not construed as an operation listed as a conditional use in any industrial zone. <br />§ 156.240 ARRANGEMENT OF INDUSTRIAL USES. <br />In any PUD including industrial uses, the industrial uses shall be provided in park-like surroundings <br />utilizing landscaping and existing woodlands as buffers to screen lighting, parking areas, loading <br />areas and outside storage of raw materials or products. An industrial area in a PUD shall provide <br />for the harmonious design of buildings and a compact grouping in order to economize in the <br />provisions of required utility services. Streets in a planned industrial area shall be kept to a <br />minimum in order to reduce traffic. All spaces between the right-of-way line and the industrial <br />building line and all intervening spaces between buildings, drives, parking areas and improved areas <br />shall be landscaped with trees and plantings and properly maintained. <br />Section 8. Effective Date. This ordinance takes effect 1 year from its adoption and publication. <br />Section 9. Summary Publication. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Centerville, due <br />to the lengthy nature of this Ordinance does direct that this title and summary be prepared for <br />publication pursuant to Minn. Stat. 412.191, Subd. 4 <br />The Council finds that the following text clearly informs the public of the intent and effect of <br />Ordinance 22-0__, and hereby approves the following summary text for publication: <br />“SUMMARY PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE 22-0__. <br />AN ORDINANCE REVISING OUTSIDE STORAGE, was approved by the Centerville City <br />Council on August____, 2022. This Ordinance revised the regulation of outside storage for <br />residential and commercial properties, and the regulation of parking design. <br />NOTICE: the full text of Ordinance 22-0__ and its attachments are available for public <br />DRAFT Page 7of4 <br /> <br />
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