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2022-07-19 P & Z Packet
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2022-07-19 P & Z Packet
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7/18/2022 7:09:44 AM
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7/18/2022 7:09:36 AM
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Ordinance XX 12-22-2021 <br />Section 5. That a new Section 156.166(L) shall be added and current items (L) and <br />(M) shall be reordered to item (M) and (N), as follows: <br />(L)Improvement and maintenance – residential properties. Parking spaces and <br />driveways shall be improved with a durable and dust-free surface such as <br />asphalt, concrete, pavers, cobblestone or similar material as approved by the <br />City Administrator or their designee. Gravel or loose rock, such as landscape <br />rock, is not permitted in the front of the property, within the front yard <br />setback, or within the public street right-of-way, but is allowed elsewhere on a <br />residential property. This surfacing requirement does not apply in the R-1 <br />District, where gravel driveways shall be allowed. All parking and driveways <br />shall provide for proper drainage of surface water to prevent the drainage of <br />the water onto adjacent properties or walkways. The owner of any parking <br />area or driveway shall maintain the area in good condition without holes and <br />free of all dust, trash and other debris. Parking and driveways shall be located a <br />minimum of five feet from any property line. <br />(M)Driveway access. \[as in current ordinance\] <br />(N)Permitted driveways for residential uses. \[as in current ordinance\] <br />Section 6. That Section 156.166(N) shall be revised and reordered to read as follows: <br />(O)Requirements For Mixed-Uses. If a building or structure contains a mixture <br />of uses as defined by paragraphs (A) and (I), the minimum number of parking <br />spaces required for the entire building or structure shall be calculated for the <br />most restrictive parking use as permitted by the applicable zoning district and <br />building codes. <br />Section 7. Miscellaneous. The following Sections shall be revised as follows. <br />§ 71.01 PARKING PROHIBITIONS. <br />(H) The regulation of parking on private property is set forth in Chapter 156.165 <br />OUTSIDE STORAGE and that regulation is incorporated in this Section of the <br />Code. <br />§ 156.006 DEFINITIONS. <br />CONTRACTOR’S YARD. An area where vehicles, equipment and/or construction materials and <br />DRAFT Page 6of4 <br /> <br />
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