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Res. #22-005 - A Resolution Approving CUP for Max Storage Enterprises, LLC
City Council
Res. #22-005 - A Resolution Approving CUP for Max Storage Enterprises, LLC
Entry Properties
Last modified
7/26/2022 12:24:12 PM
Creation date
7/26/2022 12:22:57 PM
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that user can occupy the unit. If approved, any conditions attached to that use <br />will run with the land and the CUP that is recorded with the property. <br />4) The property owner will notify the City, in a manner defined by the City <br />Administrator, of any use, other than mini storage, in any of the units and a <br />determination will be made if the use is permitted or not. If permitted by CUP, as <br />noted above, then the CUP process must be followed before that user can <br />occupy the unit. <br />5) All goods, materials, and equipment must be stored completely within the <br />enclosed buildings. No outside storage is allowed, except for vehicles owned and <br />used by the tenants or owners of the units which may be parked overnight in <br />approved parking spaces. <br />6) No residential use or living in the units overnight is allowed. <br />7) Parking on site will be managed by the owner. Parking is allowed only on the <br />designated sites on the approved Site Plan. No parking is allowed on the City <br />streets or in the drive aisles on site. If there are parking problems on site, as <br />determined by the City Council, the City reserves the right to review and <br />potentially revoke the CUP for the property until a solution can be reached which <br />is acceptable to the City Council. <br />8) All trash handling will be inside the buildings. Outside trash cans orclumpsters must <br />be enclosed within a structure of similar material and appearance as the buildings <br />and in a mannerset forth in the Site Plan. Changes to trash handling or receptacles <br />must be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. <br />9) No retail sales or display of goods or materials is allowed. <br />10) Cooking of food, other than for the personal consumption of tenants of the <br />buildings is not allowed on site, and no sale of food to the public is allowed on site. <br />I ])All service or repair of vehicles and equipment must be conducted completely <br />within the enclosed buildings, and then only for vehicles and equipment owned <br />or leased by the tenants in the course of their business. Vehicle repair or <br />maintenance for non -tenants is not allowed. <br />12) All outdoor lighting will be constructed and maintained pursuant to the Site Plan <br />utilizing all downcast cutoff type fixtures that allow no more than 1 footcandle of <br />light spillage over the property lines. Changes to outdoor lighting must be <br />reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. <br />13) Signage for the building and site will be applied for separately, to be reviewed <br />and approved per City sign standards. <br />14) If any of the individual storage units are converted to condominium ownership the <br />City will require a plat of the property to reflect the new ownership and reserves <br />3 <br />Centerville Conditional Use Permit <br />Draft Version 03/04/2022-1 <br />
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