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2022-08-10 CC Packet
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2022-08-10 CC Packet
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City of Centerville <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br />June 8, 2022 <br />We need to order that tonight. Mayor Love questioned since not assessing for cityÓs parking lot, <br />he didnÓt understand why this was included. Administrator Statz explained that we lumping the <br />parking lot and the thin overlay program all in one so and thin overlays to southern part of town <br />and those will be proposed to be assessed. It just one project and the parking lot will not be <br />assessed. Council Member King asked what a feasibility report is. Administrator Statz explained <br />in the assessment process under Chapter 429 says you have to order a feasibility report and that <br />feasibility report has to be prepared by a qualified person usually a City Engineer or their assign. <br />That report has to report on a number of things. He stated generally there is a cover letter. It repeats <br />statute and feasible from the engineering standpoint and its necessary, cost effective and feasible. <br />It also states that does this project need to be done by itself or with other improvements. This could <br />help the city get better bids for the project. Also needs to report on an opinion of probably cause. <br />This will tell you what this project will likely cost and all of the information in the feasibility study <br />is presented at the improvement hearing, which is the first of two hearings required by Chapter <br />429. The report is to lay out the facts. <br />A discussion ensued as to the cost of the project, if the City needs bond for this project, increase <br />in home values and the time frame. <br />Motion by Council Member Koski, seconded by Council Member King to Approve <br />Resolution #22-0XX Î Ordering the Feasibility Report for the 2022 Thin Overlay and City <br />Hall Parking Lot Improvements as Presented. All in favor. Motion carried. <br />5. Review of Business Water Hook-up Assistance Program <br />Administrator Statz stated a few years ago during COVID the city decided to examine our hookup <br />fees for businesses in town. He stated we offered a half price discount on those fees for businesses <br />that have not hookup to city water. Staff would like to extend. Often itÓs a timing issue when <br />something with their property. He stated as you see in the audit our water fund is healthy and it <br />is nice way to incentive our businesses to invest in their properties and get hooked up to our cityÓs <br />water system. A discussion ensued as to how much would the value of the property increase by <br />connecting to City water. <br />Council Member Mosher asked how long the City has offered this program. Administrator Statz <br />stated 2 years. Mayor Love asked if the City ran into any situation of a new business coming into <br />town and connecting to City water why canÓt they get the same assistance as the old businesses. <br />Administrator Statz stated you have the right to make a program exclusive to whoever. Mayor <br />Love stated if we extend this again through 2023 and businesses hanging on have another year and <br />does not put pressure on them to get it done. If goal to incentivize to do this and thereÓs no end <br />date, there is no reason to connect. Council Member Koski asked why are we extending this, what <br />is the purpose? Administrator Statz explained he knows that there folks that are interested and they <br />need time to come up with half of this money. This is only on the fees. For some businesses they <br />have one WAC and a lateral fee Î they are up in $10,000 range for the fees - they kick in about <br />$5,000 and the city kick in about $5,000. That $5000 is just the beginning. They need to pay for a <br />plumber to go out from the curb stop to bring it into the building and thatÓs probably another <br />$10,000. They have about $15,000 of investment and whether or not if that financially feasible for <br />them now. Council Member Koski stated he doesnÓt think they are doing themselves any favor by <br />postponing because the prices will go up. He also stated he is willing to extend but would good <br />Page 6 of 10 <br /> <br />
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