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CITY OF CENTERVILLE <br />REQUEST FOR <br />COUNCIL ACTION <br />Agenda Item # Department: Requested Council Meeting Date: <br />August 24, 2022 <br />Legal <br />IX.1 <br />TITLE OF ISSUE: <br />Cannabis Moratorium <br />BACKGROUND AND SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION: <br />The proposed 1-year moratorium on the sale of cannabis-related products will give City Staff and the State <br />Legislature time to prepare thoughtful and comprehensive legislation to regulate the sale of newly legal <br />cannabis products. <br />This moratorium would be adopted by a City Ordinance. The Council can waive the first reading of a proposed <br />Ordinance and move directly to the adoption of the Ordinance. In this case, the Council may wish to <br />strategically waive the first reading in order prohibit any business from selling cannabis products before the <br />moratorium is put in place. <br />COST AND SOURCE(S) OF FUNDING: <br />Nominal cost from the general fund. <br />REQUESTED COUNCIL ACTION: <br />1) OPTIONAL CONSIDERATION: Motion to waive first reading of this proposed ordinance. <br />2) Motion to adopt Ordinance Number ###, Second Series. <br />For Clerk’s Use: <br />SUPPORTED DOCUMENTS ATTACHED <br />Motion By: ____________________________________ <br /> Resolution Ordinance Contract Minutes Plan Map <br />Second By: ____________________________________ <br />XX <br />Vote Record: Aye Nay <br /> _____ <br />_____ <br />Other (specify) ____________ <br /> _____ _____ <br />_____ <br /> _____ <br />_______________________________________________________________ <br /> _____ _____Ki <br /> _____ ____________________________________________________________________ <br />Administration Department Use: <br />Refer to: _________________________________ <br />Consent <br /> Tabled Until: ______________________________ <br /> Regular <br /> Other: ___________________________________ <br /> <br />