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DocuSign Envelope ID: 656F3A3D-164D-46BE-AF4D-F6B87DF98D38 <br />ANOKA COUNTY MUNICIPAL WASTE ABATEMENT GRANT <br />FUNDING APPLICATION <br />Cycle: Annual l Year: 2022 I Status: Verified <br />Member Name: City of Centerville <br />Applications are due August 1, 2022. <br />City of Centerville is requesting the following funding for their 2023: Anoka County municipal <br />waste abatement program efforts. <br />General Instructions <br />This application is provided to each municipality in Anoka County forthe purpose of applyingforSelectCommittee on <br />Recycling and the Environment (SCORE) fundsto support and increase recycling activities and programs within the <br />municipality. <br />The funds allocated in this application are based on then umber of households in the municipality. Then umber of households <br />is determined usingthe most current Met Council household data available. Forcalendaryear2023,2020 Met Council has been <br />used to determine then umber of households forthisapplication. <br />There are three sections in this SCOREfu nding application: <br />• Base Funding <br />• Enhancement Funding <br />• Supplemental Funding <br />The Enhancement Fundingsection of the application also hasthree parts: <br />• Drop-off <br />• General Enhancement <br />• Organics Program Funding <br />Please complete each section of the grant application. A nu mbervalue must be entered in each field before su bmittingthe <br />application. If no fundsare being requested forany given field, enters zero. If a completed funding application isn't <br />submitted by August 1, 2022, the municipality will not be eligible for SCORE funding. <br />In aseparate Re-TRACform, reimbursement requestswill besubmitted twiceayear. <br />USER TIPS <br />To contact support from within this form: Click "Support' at the top of the screen or "Program Support Request' in <br />the green baratthe top oftheform. <br />To print this form: Clickthe "Export' button found on uppertop right corneroftheform. You mustsavetheform before <br />you can export it. <br />To see eligible expenses within each section: Click"view eligible expense" in each section. <br />To print a full list of the eligible expenses: Select the "click here for more details on Exporting yo u r Su rvey responses" <br />option. <br />To save this form while working on it: Click "Save" at the bottom of the form and select "Save as Draft". <br />1of13 <br />