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DocuSign Envelope ID: 656F3A3D-164D-46BE-AF4D-F6B87DF98D38 <br />To submit this form: Click "Save" at the bottom of the form and if there are no errors, click the "Mark as Complete" option. <br />Note that once you mark the form as complete, you cannot make ch an ges to it. <br />Eligible Expenses <br />The following items are examples of eligible expenses allowed for reimbursement. <br />Collection Expenses: If residents are ch a rged recycling fees for curbsideorrecycling events, waste abate men tfundswi I[ <br />reimburse the difference between the fees collected and the cost of recycling or composting the materials. <br />Equipment: The costto purchase, maintain and repair equ ipmentthat is used exclusively to operate the recycling or <br />composting program. <br />Containers: The cost for recycling o r o rga n ics containers. <br />Promotion:The entire cost of a publication if totally dedicated to waste reduction, recycling or composting information ora <br />percentage of the cost forth portion of a municipal publication dedicated to waste management information. <br />Staffing —:Salary and labordirectly related to recycling program administration and implementation may befunded up to 75% <br />of total SCORE funding allocation. See staffing& [aborsection below for more information. <br />Ineligible Expenses <br />The following general operating expenses should NOT be submitted for reimbursement. <br />Standard Operational Expenses/Building Overhead: Since most of the municipal recycling coordinators are part-time <br />positions and staff serve multiple roles atthe municipality, standard operating expenses including office space rental, leasing <br />office equipment and general office supplies, are not eligible for reimbursement. <br />Project Expenses: Specific to transportation, energy orgroundwater protection. <br />Collection Costs:Thecostsforgenera I waste and recycling collection atmunicipaIbuild ings,trash costs when advertised as <br />being accepted at recycling/cleanup day, and costs associated with roadside cleanup of illegally dumped mate rialsshould not <br />be included in this application. <br />General Municipal Staff: Staff time related to standard municipal operations (city administrator, office administration, <br />facilities management, finance and legalstaff) are not eligible for reimbursement. If mu n icipalstaff do not assistthe recycling <br />coordin ato r directly on activitiesto help the municipality achieve its recycling goal, e.g. communications and collecting, <br />processing or marketing recyclable materials and organics, theirtime will not be reimbu rsed. <br />Click hereto view previousyears application: <br />Click hereto download the fu ll Eligible Expenses document. <br />2023 Total Funding Allocation <br />2of13 <br />