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CITY OF CENTERVILLE <br />REQUEST FOR <br />COUNCIL ACTION <br />Centerviffe <br />Agenda Item # <br />Department: <br />Requested Council Meeting Date: <br />IX.2 <br />Administration/Elections <br />October 12, 2022 <br />TITLE OF ISSUE: <br />Canvassing of Election Results <br />BACKGROUND AND SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION: <br />This City has 10 days following the General Election to canvas the election results. We receive this <br />information from Anoka County as it contains all Absentee Ballots received by them through the mail or <br />anyone that votes there at the County from Centerville prior to the election. The regular meeting of Council is <br />scheduled November 9th which is the day following the election with formal results for canvassing not being <br />available as several staff members at the County are new to their positions. <br />Staff is recommending scheduling a Special Council meeting on Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. <br />to complete the requirement of Canvassing the results in a timely manner. <br />COST AND SOURCE(S) OF FUNDING: <br />N/A <br />REQUESTED COUNCIL ACTION: <br />Motion to schedule a Special Council meeting for Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. for the purpose <br />of Canvassing the 2022 General Election Results. <br />For Clerk's Use: <br />SUPPORTED DOCUMENTS ATTACHED <br />Motion By: <br />Resolution Ordinance Contract Minutes Plan Map <br />Second By: <br />Vote Record: Ave Nay <br />Love <br />Koski <br />Lakso <br />Other (specify) <br />King <br />Mosher <br />Administration Department Use: <br />Consent <br />Refer to: <br />Tabled Until: <br />Regular <br />Other: <br />