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Page 2 <br />Minn. Stat. § 103D.311 requires the county to appoint a manager to the watershed district <br />from an aggregate list of city -submitted nominees, unless the total number of nominees is <br />less than three or the county finds that none of the nominated persons can fairly represent <br />the various hydrologic areas within the watershed district. Rice Creek Watershed District is <br />divided into five separate planning zones. The manager whose term expires on <br />January 17, 2023, is Patricia Preiner. Ms. Preiner's residence is located in planning <br />zone 3 while'the remaining managers each live in planning zones 1, 2, 4, and 5 of the Rice <br />Creek Watershed District. A map with the location of current board members highlighted is <br />being forwarded to the Centerville city managerladministrator. Although Rice Creek <br />Watershed District has divided itself into five planning areas, the county board may appoint <br />any eligible individual who resides within the watershed district as long as that appointee can <br />fairly represent the various hydrologic areas within the district. <br />If the county does not receive a valid list of nominees, it may appoint a qualified manager <br />from a town or municipality that failed to submit a list of nominees. <br />All applicants must submit a completed application form to the appointing authority. Find the <br />application at httr)s://www.anokacount-, mn. ov/FormCenter/Administration-211Anoka- <br />County-Com mittee-Acc,ointments-A•c I-121. <br />If you have any questions regarding this appointment process, you may contact me at <br />763-324-4715. <br />Sincerely, <br />OwA m4'Z;1j <br />Rhonda Sivarajah <br />County Administrator <br />763-324-4715 <br />Rhonda. Sivaraiah-; <br />RS: by <br />Enclosure <br />c: Centerville City Manager/Administrator <br />Brenda Vetter, Principal Administrative Assistant <br />