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PUBLIC NOTICE OF VACANCY <br />NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN pursuant to Minn. Stat_ § 103B.227 and § 103D3I I that a <br />vacancy will occur on the Rice Creek Watershed District Board of Managers due to the expiration <br />on January 17, 2023, of the terns of Patricia Preiner, city of Columbus. Term of the appointment <br />is for three years. Managers are eligible to be reappointed. Persons interested in being appointed <br />to serve on the Rice Creels Watershed District Board of Managers may submit their naives for <br />consideration to the Anoka County Board of Commissioners, the appointing authority. Minn. Stat. <br />§ I03D.3I 1 permits cities in the district to jointly or severally submit nominces to the county board <br />for consideration. As city nominees are submitted for consideration, they are added to an aggregate <br />list of nominees. If the cities submit three or more non-drices eligible for a namiager's position at <br />least 60 days prior to the expiration of the term or by November 18, 2022, the Anoka County Board <br />of Cornnnissioners shall consider and appoint one of the city nominees unless it concludes none of <br />the city nominees can fairly represent the various hydrologic areas in the watershed district. Srice <br />a list may be submitted, persons interested in being considered for appointment may wish tr- <br />contact their city to request to be included on a list of nominations. In the absence of a valid <br />aggregate list of nominees, the Anoka County Board of Coirinaissioners may appoint any voting <br />resident of the Rice Creels Watershed District who is not a public officer of the county, state, or <br />federal gover3arnent and who otherwise complies with the requirements and terns of Minn. Stat. § <br />103D.311. <br />Rhonda Sivarajah <br />County Administrator <br />PUBLISH IN: Union, September 23, 2022 <br />Forest Lake Tinges, September 29, 2022 <br />Quad Community Press, September 27, 2022 <br />