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JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT <br />City of Centerville and Rice Creek Watershed District <br />Coordinating Site Erosion & Sediment Control Programs <br />and MS4 Compliance for Minimum Control Measure 4 <br />A. PARTIES <br />This joint powers agreement ("Agreement') is made by and between the Rice Creek Watershed District, <br />a watershed district with purposes and powers as set forth at Minnesota Statutes Chapters 103B and 103D <br />("District'), and the City of Centerville, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"). <br />B. PURPOSE <br />WHEREAS the City and the District have a mutual interest in protecting soil resources and preventing <br />pollution of surface waters; <br />WHEREAS the City and the Districteach have the authority to regulate the disturbance of vegetative cover <br />and soils for construction and other purposes, and exercise this authority through permitting, site <br />monitoring and enforcement; <br />WHEREAS the City and the District also are permittees as Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems <br />(MS4) under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)/State Disposal System (SDS) <br />permit program, and under that permit must develop, implement, and enforce a program to limit erosion <br />and sediment discharge from construction sites, designated as Minimum Control Measure (MCM) 4; <br />WHEREAS the NPDES MS4 permit allows two permittees with jurisdiction over the same area to cooperate <br />by agreement in meeting MCM 4 requirements; <br />WHEREAS to increase cooperation, gain cost and other efficiencies, and provide for mutual compliance <br />with MS4 obligations, the City and the District desire to partner on erosion and sediment control program <br />implementation. <br />THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual promises set forth herein, and intending to be legally bound, the <br />District and the City agree as follows: <br />C. TERM OF AGREEMENT <br />The term of this Agreement is from August 12, 2021 to December 31, 2022, unless terminated earlier as <br />provided herein. <br />D. SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />a. DISTRICT RESPONSIBILITIES: During the construction season, the District will inspect active <br />private construction sites within the City of which the City has informed the District under <br />paragraph b, below. The District will provide the City copies of inspections reports detailing <br />inspection actions, site conditions, and directives communicated to site representatives. In <br />performing inspection and oversight work under this agreement that fulfills City MCM 4 <br />responsibilities, the District will conform its activities to the requirements of the MS4 <br />