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2023-03-14 P & Z Packet
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2023-03-14 P & Z Packet
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(D)No person shall stop or park a vehicle on a street when directed to proceed by any peace officer with <br />authority to direct traffic. <br />(E)No vehicle shall be parked on any street for the purpose of displaying it for sale. <br />(F) (1) No vehicle, except an emergency vehicle on an emergency call, shall be parked between <br /> the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m., and no vehicle shall in any case be parked upon <br /> any street in any one place for a longer continuous period than 24 hours. <br /> (2) However, these restrictions shall not apply to the parking of one vehicle on the street <br /> due to new construction during the months of March through May of each year. <br />(G) (1) The City Administrator may issue temporary permits to park on streets during restricted <br /> times. <br /> (2) The permit shall state the duration and location for which the permit is valid. <br /> (3) A fee may be charged for such permits in accordance with a resolution adopted by the <br />City Council. <br />Penalty, see § 71.99 <br />Ord. #16, adopted 06/06/1969, Ord. amended 02/09/1972, Ord. amended 03/28/1984, Ord. amended <br />12/12/1984 <br />§ 71.02 TOWING OF ILLEGALLY PARKED VEHICLES. <br /> Any vehicle parked in violation of the city code or in violation of state law may be removed by towing <br />at the direction of the city police to a suitable place for storage until claimed by the owner or agent of the <br />owner. The owner or other person responsible for such parking of the vehicle shall be liable for the reasonable <br />cost of such towing and storage upon conviction for such illegal parking. The city shall in no way be liable for <br />any damage to any vehicle which has been ordered towed away. <br />Ord. 2d #24, amended 12/10/2008 <br />§ 71.99 PENALTY. <br /> Any person convicted of violating any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor but if a <br />minimum fine or imprisonment is prescribed by the State Highway Traffic Act for an offense, the penalty shall <br />apply to a person convicted of the same offense under this chapter. For continuing violations, each day the <br />violation exists shall be considered a separate offense. <br />Ord. #16, adopted 06/06/1969, Ord. 2d #24, amended 12/10/2008 <br />62|Page <br /> <br />
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