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2023-03-14 P & Z Packet
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2023-03-14 P & Z Packet
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3/11/2023 7:43:34 AM
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The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings <br />ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: <br /> Cannabinoid product means any product containing nonintoxicating cannabinoids extracted <br />from hemp, including an edible cannabinoid product, that is sold for human or animal <br />consumption. <br /> Certified hemp means the definition for the same provided in Minn. Stat. § 151.72, Subd. 1(b), <br />as may be amended. <br /> Compliance checks means the system the city uses to investigate and ensure that those <br />authorized to sell cannabinoid products are following and complying with the requirements of <br />this ordinance and state laws. Compliance checks involve the use of compliance check minors, <br />as authorized by this section, who purchase or attempt to purchase cannabinoid products. <br />Compliance checks may also be conducted by the City or other units of government for <br />educational, research, and training purposes or for investigating or enforcing federal, state, or <br />local laws and regulations relating to cannabinoid products. <br /> Compliance check minors means any person at least 17 years of age, but under the age of 21 <br />years. <br /> Delivery sale means the sale of any cannabinoid products to any person for personal <br />consumption and not for resale when the sale is conducted by any means other than an in-person, <br />over-the-counter sales transaction in a licensed retail establishment. Delivery sale includes, but is <br />not limited to, the sale of any cannabinoid products when the sale is conducted by telephone, other <br />voice transmission, mail, the internet, or app-based service. Delivery sale includes delivery by <br />licensees or third parties by any means, including curbside pick-up. <br /> Edible cannabinoid product means any product that is intended to be eaten or consumed as a <br />beverage by humans, contains a cannabinoid in connection with food ingredients, and is not a <br />drug. <br /> Hemp or Industrial Hemp means the definition for the same provided in Minn. Stat. § 18K.02, <br />Subd. 3, as may be amended. <br />Label means the definition for the same provided in Minn. Stat. § 151.01, Subd. 18, as may be <br />amended. <br /> Labeling means the definition for the same provided in Minn. Stat. § 151.72, Subd. 1(f), as may <br />be amended. <br /> Matrix barcode means the definition for the same provided in Minn. Stat. § 151.72, Subd. 1(g), <br />as may be amended. <br /> Minor means any person under the age of 21 years. <br /> <br />
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