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Moveable place of business means any form of business that is operated out of a kiosk, truck, <br />van, automobile or other type of vehicle or transportable shelter and that is not a fixed address or <br />other permanent type of structure licensed for over-the-counter sales transactions. <br /> Nonintoxicating cannabinoid means substances extracted from certified hemp plants that do <br />not produce intoxicating effects when consumed by any route of administration. <br /> Operator means the person in legal possession and control of a location by reason of ownership, <br />lease, contract or agreement, for the sale of cannabinoid products at retail. <br />Retail establishment means any fixed place of business where cannabinoid products are <br />available for sale to the general public. Retail establishments shall include, but not be limited <br />to, grocery stores, convenience stores, and restaurants. Retail establishment for purposes of this <br />ordinance does not include residences or residential zoning districts. <br />Sale means any transfer of goods for money, trade, barter or other consideration. <br /> Self-service merchandising means open displays of cannabinoid products in any manner <br />where any person shall have access to the cannabinoid products without the assistance or <br />intervention of the licensee or the licensee's employee. <br /> Vending machine means any mechanical, electrical or electronic or other type of device which <br />dispenses cannabinoid products upon the insertion of money, tokens, or other form of payment <br />directly into the machine by the person seeking to purchase cannabinoidproducts. <br />Subd. 4. - Retail license. <br />(a) No person shall directly or indirectly keep for retail sale or sell at retail any <br />cannabinoid product in the city unless a license therefore shall first have been <br />obtained specifically for this purpose, and then only after obtaining an annual <br />license for intoxicating beverages under Code Section 5.212 or a license for the sale <br />of tobacco under Code Section 6.33. <br />(b) An application for a license to sell cannabinoid products shall be made on a form <br />provided by the city. The application shall contain the full name of the applicant, <br />the applicant's residential and business addresses and telephone numbers, the name <br />of the business for which the license is sought, the location of the building and the <br />part intended to be used by the applicant under such license, the kind or nature of <br />business, and any additional information the city deems necessary. Upon the filing <br />of such application with the city clerk, it shall be presented to the city council for <br />consideration, and if granted by the city council, a license shall be issued by the city <br />clerk upon payment of the required fee. <br />(c) The fees for licenses under this section shall be determined by the city council. Each <br />such license shall expire on December 31 next after its issuance. Licenses shall not <br />be transferable from one person or entity to another, nor shall they be transferable <br />from one premises to another premises. <br /> <br />