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2023, November
City Council
2023, November
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11/6/2023 11:24:42 AM
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11/6/2023 11:24:42 AM
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<br /> FRESH PAINT AT STATION 3 —FIRE BARN RED 2.-servicesh?ps://www.centennialfire.or <br />g/Click here for more info, or to apply: RE HIRING FIREFIGHTERS’WE fight a fire which could be your home or business.trying to find a hydrant under the snow or landscaping, they are <br /> losing precious ?me needing to accessible from the street without landscaping items around them. If the they have to spend ?me It is very important that the hydrants are visible and <br /> —Just a reminder from the Fire Department CENTENNIAL FIRE DISTRICT or scan the QR code below. Sites-mposth?ps:// web-’3723, visit Anoka County-429-651MN. <br /> For hours and fees, please contact: Loca?on: 7701 Main Street, Lino Lakes, Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Compost Site COMPOST SITE 5 pm)-& Sun., Noon5 pm -14, 2024 (Sat., 9 am--January <br /> 6—Compost Site Years Day Holiday) & 12, 2024(Delayed Due to New —Curb side TREE RECYCLING or U?lize the QR Code to the right 30, 2023. Online Entry: <br /> -kicks off November 12” Name a Snowplow Contest“Parks & Recrea?on .your help keeping your streets open and passibleCenterville Public Works Department wishes you an enjoyable winter <br /> and appreciates know if children are in them.made snow banks as drivers do not -Please do not build forts in the snowplow 10. curb, this may take more than two passes.Please refrain <br /> from parking vehicles on roadways un?l they are plowed curb to 9. us in the spring and we will provide black dirt and seed to repair the areas.we will repair the area with black dirt <br /> and seed. This on occasion happens and is not inten?onal. Contact On occasion, lawn damage may occur within the road right of way. If you contact the City in the spring, 8. shi?s. <br /> mailboxes get encased in the snowbanks, they o?en break off as plows move past and the snow bank not repaired by the City. NOTE: It is important for homeowners to shovel around their <br /> mailbox. When of the snow moving off the end of the plow, or shi?ing snow banks. When this happens, the damage is winter and then repair or replace in the spring. More commonly, mailbox <br /> damage occurs from the force Mailboxes. If a mailbox is actually struck by a plow, the city crew will make a temporary repair for the 7. It is the responsibility of the homeowner <br /> to keep clear the sidewalk in front or alongside your residence. 6. season.Please remove all basketball and hockey nets out of the street and back into your yard prior to the plow <br /> 5. Plow drivers are not allowed to plow private driveways. 4. STREET).Garbage cans and recycling containers are to be placed at the end of your driveway. (NOT IN THE 3. Page 4 <br /> <br />
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