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2023, November
City Council
2023, November
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11/6/2023 11:24:42 AM
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11/6/2023 11:24:42 AM
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also a state law and a ?cketable offense.way or push snow across streets. This is -of-s right’It is against City ordinance to place snow into the City 2. Lakes Police may ?cket cars <br /> parked on the streets during those hours.There are parking restric?ons, no parking on City streets between 3:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. Centennial 1. Here are some helpful reminders to <br /> our residents: back on the roadway.they get too high and the snow coming off the plow ends up ”, winged back“curb. If snow banks are not public right of way. The public right of way <br /> typically includes about 10 to 15 feet of grass area behind the reasons that we have an ordinance prohibi?ng landscaping and sprinkler systems from being installed in the over the top <br /> of the curb and grass. This is one of the 6” the boulevards. They adjust the plows to ride about storage. When crews perform this work, they use their side wing plows to push the <br /> snowbanks further into snow banks to create addi?onal room for snow ” wing back“During extreme winters, crews are required to clear the main roadways and then the secondary streets. <br /> Paths/trails and parking lots are lowest priority.depending on storm size, expected amounts and ?me the storm is expected to pass. Our first priority is to during an average snow event. <br /> City policy is to plow all three (3) inch snow events. Star?ng ?mes will vary sacs and over 4 miles of trails. It takes the city crew about eight (8) hours to cover all the roads <br /> in the City The City of Centerville maintains more than 26 miles of local streets and 36 cul de SNOWPLOW REMINDERS & NAMING CONTEST normal plowing opera?ons.does not assume liability <br /> for mailboxes damaged during ?on. Can it handle the weight of a snow dri?? The City Now is a great ?me to check your mailbox post condi- Snowfall Mailbox Inspec?on-Pre PUBLIC WORKS <br /> REMINDERS & TIPS Mayor D. Love made an appearance and spoke with many par?cipants. ners with 20 volunteers for their event.Centerville Lions and all of the businesses that par?cipated. <br /> The Community Educa?on Hustle had 171 run-Health Fairview Ambulance Service, Rehbein Transit, Inc., the City of Centerville Public Works, the Scouts, -families par?cipated. Thank <br /> you to the Centennial Fire District, Centennial Lakes Police Department, MIt was a very cold Saturday morning on October 28, 2023, but the 2nd Annual event took place and many 2ND <br /> ANNUAL TRUNK OR TREAT/CENTENNIAL COMMUNITY ED. HALLOWEEN HUSTLE 5K Page 3 <br /> <br />
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