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2023, November
City Council
2023, November
Entry Properties
Last modified
11/6/2023 11:24:42 AM
Creation date
11/6/2023 11:24:42 AM
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DECEMBER 4, 2023—SANTA PARADE-CENTENNIAL FIRE le?er reques?ng that these also be trimmed by the Spring.Property owners will receive a hazard for pedestrians and bicyclists at the <br /> same ?me. The crews will be no?ng bushes and trees that are along side of sidewalks that pose a tain look for your trees, please take care of this prior to our crews coming out.If <br /> you desire a cer- bage/recycling and delivery trucks along with emergency vehicles. side to the extent of maintaining safe passage by maintenance equipment, gar-Branches will be trimmed <br /> from the curbline up and only the roadway City's roadways. The City rou?nely trims those branches of trees that are obstruc?ng safe passage of the BOULEVARD MAINTENANCE-ANNUAL TREE <br /> TRIMMING or scan the QR code to the right. You can stop by City Hall for an employment packet also. h?ps://? our web site for more informa?on and an applica?on <br /> packet: This is a seasonal posi?on with no benefits. weekends, holidays and able to perform light maintenance du?es. Star?ng pay is $12 per hour. filled. Applicants must be at least <br /> 16 years of age, work well with the public, work evenings, The City of Centerville will be accep?ng applica?ons for Ice Rink A?endants un?l posi?ons are SEASONAL RINK ATTENDANTS—NOW <br /> HIRING have some fun!Drive. This is a fun event and a good cause. Come out and 6 p.m. at Laurie LaMo?e Memorial Park, 6970 LaMo?e -3Centerville Lions, is scheduled for December <br /> 9, 2023 from The 2nd Annual Christmas in the Park, sponsored by the CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK—CENTERVILLE LIONS Page 2 <br /> <br />
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