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Centerville2040ComprehensivePlan <br />M IXED U SE G OALSAND P OLICIES <br />It is the goal of the City of Centerville to: <br />Support the development of a mixedSupport the development of a mixed--use downtown consistent with the goals laid out in use downtown consistent with the goals laid out in <br />the Master Plan.the Master Plan. <br />Use the mixedUse the mixed--use designation to promote welluse designation to promote well--designed, pedestriandesigned, pedestrian--oriented oriented <br />development that enhances the development that enhances the quality of life for City residents and promotes a “traditional quality of life for City residents and promotes a “traditional <br /> <br />neighborhood” or small town atmosphere.neighborhood” or small town atmosphere. <br />Review the downtown development plan and guidelines.Review the downtown development plan and guidelines. <br />It is the policy of the City of Centerville to: <br />Require that all development in the area identifiedRequire that all development in the area identifiedas the downtown follow the goals, as the downtown follow the goals, <br />policies and guidelines of the Downtown Master Plan.policies and guidelines of the Downtown Master Plan. <br />Utilize City regulatory and economic development tools to encourage commercial and Utilize City regulatory and economic development tools to encourage commercial and <br />residential development within the downtown area that is consistent with the vision oresidential development within the downtown area that is consistent with the vision of the f the <br /> <br />Master Plan.Master Plan. <br />Require that all development within areas guided for mixed-use have sidewalks on both <br />sides of every street. <br />Utilize design guidelines for mixed-use areas to: <br />o Minimize the impact of automobiles through strategies such a shared parking, Minimize the impact of automobiles through strategies such a shared parking, <br />iin which adjacent land uses having different peakn which adjacent land uses having different peak--hour parking demands can hour parking demands can <br />share parking facilitiesshare parking facilities <br />o Achieve “traffic calming” benefits through: an integrated street network, <br />provision of options for traffic flow, the design of streets with adequate width, <br />and the provision of on-street parking <br />o Provide for public open space that uses storm water treatment ponds as a visual Provide for public open space that uses storm water treatment ponds as a visual <br />and recreational amenity to the projectand recreational amenity to the project <br />o Ensure the compatibility of buildings with respect to the specific character of <br />their immediate context <br />o Encourage active ground floor uses, such as restaurants, shops and services, to Encourage active ground floor uses, such as restaurants, shops and services, to <br />animate the street within mixedanimate the street within mixed--use areas use areas <br />Page 25 <br /> <br />