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Centerville2040ComprehensivePlan <br />I NDUSTRIAL D EVELOPMENT G OALSAND P OLICIES <br />It is the goal of the City of Centerville to: <br />Expand the nonExpand the non--residential tax base.residential tax base. <br />Encourage clean and attractive industrial uses in the community.Encourage clean and attractive industrial uses in the community. <br />It is the policy of the City of Centerville to: <br />Focus on investments and development potential in the existing industrial park before <br />establishing new industrial development areas. <br />Evaluate land availability and utility feasibility for long range expansion of the existing <br />industrial park. <br />Evaluate TIF feasibility to expand transportation access and trunk utility networks to support <br />existing and future industrial potential. <br />Establish uniform dEstablish uniform design standards to promote continuity between individual industrial uses esign standards to promote continuity between individual industrial uses <br /> <br />and compatibility with nonand compatibility with non--industrial uses.industrial uses. <br />Maintain standards for landscaping and screening to ensure adequate aesthetic controls.Maintain standards for landscaping and screening to ensure adequate aesthetic controls. <br />Maintain adequate standards for buildings and Maintain adequate standards for buildings and signage design, site access, parking, signage design, site access, parking, <br />maneuvering, loading, and structure setbacks.maneuvering, loading, and structure setbacks. <br />Enforce standards for structure upkeep and site maintenance to ensure longEnforce standards for structure upkeep and site maintenance to ensure long--term aesthetic term aesthetic <br />controls.controls. <br />Revisit all established standards as appropriate.Revisit all established standards as appropriate. <br />T RANSPORTATION G OALSAND P OLICIES <br />It is the goal of the City of Centerville to: <br />Maintain a safe, efficient and convenient multi-modal transportation system. <br />Protect the integrity of the transportation system. <br />Provide sufficient off-street parking. <br />It is the policy of the City of Centerville to: <br />Develop land use development standards that promote safe and efficient access to the <br />transportation system. <br />Develop land uses and access spacing guidelines compatible with the functional <br />classification of the regional highway system. <br />Establish a local transportation network which preserves neighborhood identity while linking <br />together neighborhoods, community parks and facilities. <br />Identify long term transportation corridors to provide access to and within the City as <br />development occurs. <br />Page 26 <br /> <br />